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Smart Gamma Fixtures generator Symfony bundle

Allow speed up fixtures creation by generating fixtures classes from project's database


composer require --dev gamma/fixtures-generator

Add to AppKernel.php to dev section:

$bundles[] = new Gamma\FixturesGeneratorBundle\GammaFixturesGeneratorBundle();


add to app/config.yml


fixture_references_file_name: /var/fixtureReferences.txt

Fixtures generator usage:

app/console gamma:fixtures:generate "\Gamma\Bundle\Entity\Item" - generate all entities from table
app/console gamma:fixtures:generate "\Gamma\Bundle\Entity\Item" --id="1,2,3" - generate  entities with ids 1,2,3 from table
app/console gamma:fixtures:generate "\Gamma\Bundle\Entity\Item" --id="1,2,3" --force-add-reference - generate entities with ids 1,2,3 from table and add txt reference  


1.Despite of the autoincrement generator is reset if you use schema recreate before fixture loading, better stick to defined ids via direct setter

Add for each fixture class:

        $metadata = $manager->getClassMetaData('\Gamma\Bundle\Entity\Item');
  1. Relations ManyToMany should be created additionally manually