In you there is no need to install this component on your server. As an identity server, it is recommended to use
You may need to install Sydent, for example, if you deploy an isolated system and users will not be able to access the
This is fork main task of which is the implementation of the functional:
- 3pid association based on LDAP data
- proxying to matrix queries that can not be resolved locally
- Сheck that your system has
sqlite3 >= 3.16
(Otherwise there will be syntax errors when working with the database) - Run
pip install
- Create user
useradd -r matrix-sydent
if not exists cp sydent.example.conf /etc/matrix-synapse/sydent.conf
and edit- Copy
to verify_response_template path - Copy
to email.template path - Check that pidfile.path writable by created
user (e.g. it not created with other owner when you test sydent) - Check that log.path exists and writable by created
user - Check that db.file writable by created
user - Check ownership
chown -R matrix-synapse <path to templates>
- Check ownership
chown -R matrix-synapse /etc/matrix-sydent/
- Config systemd
cp /systemd/matrix-sydent.service /lib/systemd/system/
and edit it:
- check that WorkingDirectory exists and writable;
- check that EnvironmentFile exists;
- check that service will be run on behalf of the created user
- After edit do not foget
systemctl daemon-reload
- Start service with
systemctl start matrix-sydent
Dependencies can be installed using in the same way as synapse: see synapse/README.rst.
Having installed dependencies, you can run sydent using:
$ python -m sydent.sydent
This will create a configuration file in sydent.conf with some defaults. You'll most likely want to change the server name and specify a mail relay.
Threepid search is performed in the following sequence.
If for one of the stages there is not enough configuration - it is skipped.
Threepid found at an earlier stage takes precedence (the first matching is used).
For ldap configuration details see LDAP.rst .
If in config section [proxy] present parameter identity with URI of other identity server, then bulk_lookup request will be sent to this server with threepids that can not be found in configured LDAP.
Perform local database lookup as original sydent server.
Defaults for SMS originators will not be added to the generated config file, these should be added in the form:
originators.<country code> = <long|short|alpha>:<originator>
Where country code is the numeric country code, or 'default' to specify the originator used for countries not listed. For example, to use a selection of long codes for the US/Canda, a short code for the UK and an alphanumertic originator for everywhere else:
originators.1 = long:12125552368,long:12125552369 originators.44 = short:12345 originators.default = alpha:Matrix
The requests that synapse servers and clients submit to the identity server are, briefly, as follows:
Request the validation of your email address:
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8090/_matrix/identity/api/v1/validate/email/requestToken' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email": "[email protected]", "client_secret": "abcd", "send_attempt": 1}' {"success": true, "sid": "1"}
# receive 943258 by mail
Use this code to validate your email address:
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8090/_matrix/identity/api/v1/validate/email/submitToken' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"token": "943258", "sid": "1", "client_secret": "abcd"}' {"success": true}
Use the validated email address to bind it to a matrix ID:
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8090/_matrix/identity/api/v1/3pid/bind' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sid": "1", "client_secret": "abcd", "mxid": ""}'
# lookup:
curl 'http://localhost:8090/_matrix/identity/api/v1/lookup?medium=email&'
# fetch pubkey key for a server
curl http://localhost:8090/_matrix/identity/api/v1/pubkey/ed25519