Camera calibration c++ code based on OpenCV with generic, fisheye, and omnidirectional model. In addition, python code is implemented being totally compatible to c++ version.
For C++ source code,
# apt install libopencv-dev libopencv-calib3d-dev libopencv-contrib-dev
# apt install libboost-filesystem-dev
For Python source code,
# apt install python3-opencv
-m (string): calibration model with "generic", "fisheye", and "omnidir"
-bw (int): the number of horizontal crossings in chessboard
-bh (int): the number of vertical crossings in chessboard
-sw (float): the width[mm] of unit squqre in chessboard
-sh (float): the height[mm] of unit square in chessboard
-o (string): xml filename including camera parameters like as intrinsics, and extrinsics
-i (string): xml filename including image filenames for calibration and validation
-os (float): the scale of output image that should be undistorted
-ow (int): the width[pixels] of output image that should be undistorted
-oh (int): the height[pixels] of output image that should be undistorted
-ox (float): the x[pixels] translation of output image
-oy (float): the y[pixels] translation of output image
-calibrate (bool): the switch for calibration
-validate (bool): the switch for validation
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cd ..
For generic model calibration, and then validation,
$./build/imagelist_creator ./image_list.xml ./images/*.jpg
$./build/extensive_calibrate -m=generic -bw=9 -bh=6 -sw=50.0 -sh=50.0 -o=generic_model.xml -i=image_list.xml -os=0.0 -ow=0 -oh=0 -ox=0.0 -oy=0.0 -calibrate=true -validate=true
For fisheye model calibration, and then validation,
$./build/imagelist_creator ./fisheye_image_list.xml ./omnidir_images/*.jpg
$./build/extensive_calibrate -m=fisheye -bw=9 -bh=6 -sw=50.0 -sh=50.0 -o=fisheye_model.xml -i=fisheye_image_list.xml -os=0.0 -ow=0 -oh=0 -ox=0.0 -oy=0.0 -calibrate=true -validate=true
For omnidir model calibration, and then validation,
$./build/imagelist_creator ./omnidir_image_list.xml ./omnidir_images/*.jpg
$./build/extensive_calibrate -m=omnidir -bw=9 -bh=6 -sw=50.0 -sh=50.0 -o=omnidir_model.xml -i=omnidir_image_list.xml -os=0.0 -ow=0 -oh=0 -ox=0.0 -oy=0.0 -calibrate=true -validate=true
For generic model calibration, and then validation,
$./build/imagelist_creator ./image_list.xml ./images/*.jpg
$python3 ./python_code/ -m= generic -bw= 9 -bh= 6 -sw= 50.0 -sh= 50.0 -o= generic_model.xml -i= image_list.xml -os= 0.0 -ow= 0 -oh= 0 -ox= 0.0 -oy= 0.0 -calibrate= true -validate= true
For fisheye model calibration, and then validation,
$./build/imagelist_creator ./fisheye_image_list.xml ./omnidir_images/*.jpg
$python3 ./python_code/ -m= fisheye -bw= 9 -bh= 6 -sw= 50.0 -sh= 50.0 -o= fisheye_model.xml -i= fisheye_image_list.xml -os= 0.0 -ow= 0 -oh= 0 -ox= 0.0 -oy= 0.0 -calibrate= true -validate= true
For omnidir model calibration, and then validation,
$./build/imagelist_creator ./omnidir_image_list.xml ./omnidir_images/*.jpg
$python3 ./python_code/ -m= omnidir -bw= 9 -bh= 6 -sw= 50.0 -sh= 50.0 -o= omnidir_model.xml -i= omnidir_image_list.xml -os= 0.0 -ow= 0 -oh= 0 -ox= 0.0 -oy= 0.0 -calibrate= true -validate= true