ES6 arrow functions have static, lexical this
binding. This is a great
feature, but it prevents them from playing nicely with Mocha, because
Mocha provides the test context using dynamic this
before(function() {
this.myObj = new MyAwesomeThing()
it('some test', function() {
console.log('myObj is:', this.myObj) // MyAwesomeThing {}
This will not work for arrow functions:
it('some test', () => console.log('myObj is:', this.myObj)) // undefined, `this` points to the global object
This little library provides a set of decorated Mocha functions (it
, after
, beforeEach
and afterEach
) that pass the context
as the first argument to your arrows:
before(t => {
t.myObj = new MyAwesomeThing()
it('some test', t => console.log('myObj is:', t.myObj)) // MyAwesomeThing {}
This is done by wrapping each arrow into the usual function, obtaining the
context through this
and passing it to the first argument of the arrow.
npm install --save-dev arrow-mocha
In a file with tests, ES6 syntax:
import { it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'arrow-mocha'
CommonJS syntax:
var arrowMocha = require('arrow-mocha'),
it =,
before = arrowMocha.before,
/// etc.
If you use Babel for transpiling your tests, you may have
difficulties using this module, because, by default, Babel doesn't transpile
files residing inside the node_modules
directory. For this case, ES5 version
(generated with that same tool)
is provided too. Just replace arrow-mocha
with arrow-mocha/es5
import { it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'arrow-mocha/es5'
The same applies to CommonJS syntax. Another option is to configure Babel to not ignore this module. For example:
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha --harmony --require ./test/helpers/babel-hook.js ./test"
ignore: /node_modules(?![/]arrow-mocha)/
// or ignore: false to transpile all NPM modules
// This line is important, otherwise the magic will not work!
// Is is commented because it breaks GitHub syntax highlighting.
// import { it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'arrow-mocha'
describe('The functions imported on the previous line decorate the corresponding '
+ 'Mocha functions', () =>
describe('so that the Mocha test context gets passed to the first argument', () => {
before(t => {
t.some = 'value'
it('like this', t => assert.equal(t.some, 'value'))
describe('this works for async tests too:', () => {
const delay = (ms, value) => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms, value)
before(t => {
return delay(10, 'value').then(v => {
t.another = v
describe('when a test/hook returns a Promise', () => {
it('the context is passed to the first argument', t => delay(10).then(() => {
assert.equal(t.another, 'value')
describe('when an async test/hook requires a callback,', () => {
const delay = (ms, fn) => {
setTimeout(fn, ms)
before((t, done) => {
return delay(10, () => {
t.third = 'value'
describe('declare it as the second argument;', () => {
it('the context will be passed to the first arg', (t, done) => delay(10, () => {
assert.equal(t.third, 'value')