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Tool to generate Robot Framework test cases from test case management tools.


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Robotizr is a generator tool for Robot Framework test cases from a test case management tool (only Xray for Jira so far).

Getting Started

These instructions will explain how it works and how to install it.

How it works

The basic idea behind this tool is to increase the accessibility of the test automation by using a test management tool.

Like the concept of mobile first in the webdesign world this tool follows to concept of human first for mobile tests. How does it work? Test management tools helps to manage your test cases and gives everyone an easy access. Some tools like Xray for Jira provides the possibility to import test executions from test automation frameworks.

Test Manangement Tool -> Test case generation -> Test implementation -> Test execution -> Import test results

Supported Tools

At the moment only Xray for Jira is supported. No plan for other tools yet. Please contact me if you need any help or support with other test management tools.


Only Python 3 is needed, all dependencies are installed automatically via pip.


You can install the current development version from GitHub:

pip install --upgrade -e git+


python -m robotizr -h
usage: python -m robotizr [-h] [-c CONFIG [CONFIG ...]] [-s SOURCE] [-q QUERY]
                          [-t TARGET] [-i IMPORT_TEST_EXEC] [-p PROJECT_KEY]
                          [-k TEST_EXEC_KEY] [--set-field SET_FIELD SET_FIELD]
                          [--add-field ADD_FIELD ADD_FIELD]
                          [--print-default-config] [--print-test PRINT_TEST]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG [CONFIG ...], --config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]
                        Path to config file
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Test case source
  -q QUERY, --query QUERY
                        Query to be executed to get tests which should be
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target folder where the files should be placed,
                        default is current directory
  -i IMPORT_TEST_EXEC, --import-test-exec IMPORT_TEST_EXEC
                        Import test execution result file
  -p PROJECT_KEY, --project-key PROJECT_KEY
                        Project key for test execution import
  -k TEST_EXEC_KEY, --test-exec-key TEST_EXEC_KEY
                        Test execution key to be overwritten
  --set-field SET_FIELD SET_FIELD
                        Define field - value pairs to be set (e.g. --set-field summary "Foo bar")
  --add-field ADD_FIELD ADD_FIELD
                        Define field - value pairs to be added (e.g. --add-field scope webshop)
                        Prints the content of the default config and exit
  --print-test PRINT_TEST
                        Prints the fields of the given issue and exit

Test case generation

Robotizr allows to separation of configuration files to for example store project related information in the project repository and login + password in a personal file.

Example project configuration:

  "source": {
    "example": {
      "type": "jira",
      "server": "",
      "fields": {
        "customfield_13557": {
          "type": "TextField",
          "alias": ["scope", "platform"]
        "customfield_12756": {
          "type": "MultiSelect",
          "alias": ["environments"]
        "fixVersions": {
          "type": "VersionPicker"
      "mappings": {
        "test_suite": {
          "name": "%fields.customfield_13050|default=unnamed%",
          "settings": {
            "resources": [
            "suite_setup": [
              "Init Suite Keyword"
            "test_setup": [
              "Init Test Keyword"
            "test_teardown": [
              "Teardown Keyword"
        "test_case": {
          "name": "%key% %fields.summary%",
          "tags": [
          "documentation": "%fields.description%",
          "setup": "%fields.customfield_12658|convert=&key& &fields.summary&%",
          "keywords": "%fields.customfield_12655.steps:keyword=step,arguments=data%"

Example login + password configuration:

  "source": {
    "example": {
      "username": "username",
      "password": "MySecretPassword123"

Example call

python -m robotizr -c ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/config/robotizr-config.json ${HOME}/secure/private.json -s example -t ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}\cases --query "project = EXMAPLE AND type = test"

Execution result import

Robotizr can also import test execution files to create Test Execution tickets in Jira.

Example call to create a new execution ticket

python -m robotizr -c ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/config/robotizr-config.json ${HOME}/secure/private.json -s example -p PRJ -i output.xml

or to update an existing one

python -m robotizr -c ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/config/robotizr-config.json ${HOME}/secure/private.json -s example -p PRJ -k PRJ-123 -i output.xml


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Sven Kiera - Initial work - skiera

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Tool to generate Robot Framework test cases from test case management tools.








No packages published
