Releases: six42/jdbcslim
Bug fix for Oracle database
This is a bug fix release:
- explicit close of SQL command to avoid issues on Oracle
- correct handling of empty result sets in edge cases
Online Documentation at:
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Adjustment to support FitNesse version 20190716
There have been breaking changes in FitNessse 20190716 which have been fixed
- jdbcAuthenticator
- more strict in defining scenario output parameters like
- Old: !|Scenario|Get The Name |name |and phone number|phone|for id|id|
- New: !|Scenario|Get The Name |name ? |and phone number|phone ? |for id|id|
Action required
For the later you have to update your test pages as shown above: Add the question mark after each output parameter.
Also upgraded other external dependencies
- Gradle 5.3.1
- Java 8
and refreshed online documentation
no new features in this release
Online Documentation at:
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Bug Fix of #null# handling
Add support for #null# values in defaults and scripts
see details in FitNesseRoot/PlugIns/JdbcSlim/UserGuide/
Only Documentation at:
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Maven Central Publication
- Allow command text to be preformatted
- New commands to simplify scripting
- Removed runtime dependency to dbfit
- Releases are published to maven central
- Build process switched to gradle
- Sample build process with maven support
Only Documentation now at:
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Credit and thanks for contributing goes to:
- Unforgettable631
- Fried Hoeben
Simplified SQL parameter handling
Inline Parameters in SQL commands are given as ?{Input Column>Output Column:Type(Scale)=Default Value}
Input Column = the name of the column which contains the input values
Output Column = the name of the column which which contains the expected output value
Type = the SQL datatype
Scale = the scale parameter of the type
Default Value = a default value which will be used if Input Column is not present in the table
Either Input or Output must be given the remaing parameters are optional.
For more see: 4TheMappingBetweenTestDataAndCommands.StoredProcedures.WithParameterDefinitionsInline
added initial version of JdbcAuthenticator
This plugin allows to delegate the FitNesse user management and authentication to a database.
October 2015
v1.0.0 Update
Added retry to reduce wait time with asynchronus processes
v0.8.4 Added Retry feature and more documentation
refactering and sample with alias
v0.8.3 refactoring of dbExecute
Sync with latest FitNesse build
v0.8.2 Changes for compatibility with latest FitNesse version