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SIV β€” the Secure Internet Voting protocol

Internet voting system designed for government-grade election security, with mathematically provable privacy & vote verifiability.


Core Security Goals

  • Authenticated voters: Only legitimately registered voters are allowed to vote, and only once per person.
  • Private voting: A fair election requires that voters can freely choose without anyone learning how they voted.
  • Verifiable tallies: For widely accepted results, vote totals must be independently auditable for accuracy.


License & Restrictions

SIV is designed to create verifiable proof of accurate election results, without needing to inspect any source code β€” which is not feasible of remote servers anyway.

Nonetheless, the SIV Source Code is made available for transparency, to enable deep security inspections.

Permission is not granted for commercial or governmental usage, without first acquiring a separate Commercial or Government License. Contact if interested.

See the SIV Public License for further details.

Local Development Instructions

Initial set up

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Duplicate the file .env.local.TEMPLATE into .env.local
  3. Create (free) accounts with the providers listed in that file, adding your new API keys. These detailed instructions can help if stuck.
  4. Install local dependencies:
npm install

Then, to start dev server

npm run dev

And you should see:

Ready - server started on http://localhost:3000
