This is a simple project realized for the three-year degree in INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA at Università di Padova. Graduation date: 23-07-2021. The main purpose of this project is to demonstrait how a very simple processore can be created. This processor is not really useful for other than educational purposes.
See the prerequisites section before start executing any command.
hw contains the processor Verilog sources and tests.
hw/test/ contains testbenches that tests single core components and the soc as a whole.
soc_test.v tests the whole soc with a running software.
This project is created for the Arty 35T board although could be adapted for other boards.
Enable the symbiflow environment before running commands. If you have installed symbiflow as in the prerequisites section you can execute script to enter the environment.
Run make
to build the fpga bitstream.
When Synthesis and Place & route have soccessfully finished you can find the bitstream in build/ directory (top.bit).
Run make test
to compile and run tests with iverilog.
Run make clean
to remove the build directory with all its content.
Connect the board with usb and run make run
to load the bitstream in the FPGA and see your design running.
sw contains the resources needed to build software for the little risc v core.
Edit main.c and run make
This creates build/ directory with rom.v file you can include as rom software memory in verilog design.
rom/ folder contains some prebuild example rom.
Inside linker linker script and startup file you can find useful and interesting informations about the use of global pointer and linker relaxation.
To be able to produce FPGA bitstream and run tests you need to install:
symbiflow. You can follow the official tutorial. the installation procedure may change because the project is rapidly evolving.
Just report my installation commands for convenience:cd riscv-core apt update -y apt install -y git wget xz-utils git clone cd symbiflow-examples wget -O # choose the install directory export INSTALL_DIR=~/opt/symbiflow # select your target FPGA family export FPGA_FAM=xc7 # setup Conda and your system’s environment bash -u -b -p $INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/conda; source "$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/conda/etc/profile.d/"; conda env create -f $FPGA_FAM/environment.yml # download architecture definitions mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install wget -qO- | tar -xJC $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install wget -qO- | tar -xJC $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install wget -qO- | tar -xJC $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install wget -qO- | tar -xJC $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install wget -qO- | tar -xJC $INSTALL_DIR/xc7/install
If the above commands exited without errors, you have successfully installed and configured your working environment.
iverilog (Icarus Verilog). You need to compile it from sources because the version provided by your distribution is probably too old. Follow the instructions on the official github repo README.
Just report my installation commands for convenience:cd riscv-code sudo apt update sudo apt install make gcc bison gperf autoconf flex git clone cd iverilog sh ./configure make make install
To be able to compile code and produce rom content for the core you need to install:
rv32i risc-v toolchain (a gcc compiler for this architecture).
You can use a prebuild toolchain or compile it from sources. This last option can take you hours depending on your pc configuration.
For a prebuild toolchain :cd riscv-core mkdir rv32i-toolchain cd rv32i-toolchain wget tar -xzf riscv32-unknown-elf.gcc-10.2.0.rv32i.ilp32.newlib.tar.gz export TC=$(pwd)/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-
python3 with the needed libraries.
cd riscv-core sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip # python libraries pip3 install intelhex
RISC-V Assembly Programmer's Manual
RISCV gcc GP (global pointer) register
The GP (global pointer) register
# set your toolchein prefix
# compile assembly code
${TC}as main.S -o build/out.elf
# disassembly code to see instruction hex values
${TC}objdump --disassemble -Mnumeric build/out.elf
# get a section as hex file
${TC}objcopy -j.text -O ihex build/out.elf build/out
/opt/riscv32i/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -j.text -O ihex build/out.elf build/out.hex
# open waveforms generated by iverilog with gtkwave
gtkwave build/soc_test.vcd &