"Don't make me think!" - Steve Krug
"Make me think ... about what matters!" - The Microservices UX Team
Building, Deploying and Maintaining Polyglot Microservices is hard. This project makes it simple and easy.
By curating best-of-breed infrastructure and blending in a coherent deployment and strong programming model, Microservices UX helps you quickly gain the benefits of Microservices without the hassle.
It's never easy on your first time ... but we've done our best to make it as easy as possible to get up and running and using Microservices UX as quickly as possible.
To get up and running with Microserives UX you'll need the following tools installed:
- https://git-scm.com [GIT]
- https://www.vagrantup.com [Vagrant]
- A Virtualisation Provider such as https://www.virtualbox.org [VirtualBox] for Vagrant to use.
Note! If you've already downloaded and run the microservices ux before, see the "Getting a new(er) version of the box" instructions at the end of this readme first.
mkdir muon-platform-demo
cd muon-platform-demo
vagrant box add muon-platform-demo https://microux.s3.amazonaws.com/muon-platform-demo-v2.box
vagrant init muon-platform-demo
vagrant up
Navigate to the muon platform portal page to take a test drive around the platform's core services.
See if the Gateway is running from your local machine:
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 'http://localhost:9001/'
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 'http://localhost:9001/discover'
If you get no response we'll need to start the gateway on the Vagrant box.
vagrant ssh
cd /home/vagrant/muon/mgateway
sudo forever start -l forever.log -a --uid "mgateway" gateway_v2.js
This will start the gateway as a forever daemon with logs going into the forever.log file. To stop the gateway use:
sudo forever stop mgateway
To check the gateway is working as expected:
vagrant ssh
cd /home/vag/muon/mgateway
This will run a series of tests that insert events and projections into the local Photon eventstore. (F.Y.I. If the tests are re-run, some may fail as the tests assume an empty eventstore!) Running other cURL commands on your local machine should now start to return user data.
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 'http://localhost:9001/photon/projection-keys'
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 'http://localhost:9001/photon/projection?projection-name=UserList'
You can explore the current running services in overview using the muon command line interface:
vagrant ssh
root@muon-demo: sudo muon -d local discover
Active Services
name url tags Muon Protocol Version
------------ ------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------
mgateway muon://mgateway my-tag,tck-service,muon-gateway 5
photon muon://photon photon,helios 5
cli muon://cli cli,node
Or if you want more detail, hit:
vagrant ssh
root@muon-demo:sudo muon -d local -a discover
Active Services
name url tags Muon Protocol Version
------------ ------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------
node-service muon://node-service my-tag,tck-service,node-service 5
photon muon://photon photon,helios 5
cli muon://cli cli,node
Reactive Streams
Service Name Stream Name Url
------------ ----------- ---------------------
photon /stream muon://photon//stream
Query Endpoints
Service Name Endpoint Name Url
------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------------
node-service /muon/introspect muon://node-service/muon/introspect
photon /projection muon://photon/projection
photon /muon/introspect/stream muon://photon/muon/introspect/stream
photon /muon/introspect/command muon://photon/muon/introspect/command
photon /projection-keys muon://photon/projection-keys
photon /muon/introspect muon://photon/muon/introspect
photon /muon/introspect/query muon://photon/muon/introspect/query
Command Endpoints
Service Name Endpoint Name Url
------------ ------------- -------------------------
photon /projections muon://photon/projections
photon /events muon://photon/events
Check projection loaded in to photon:
See the demo application README.
You must first remove the old version of the box as below, and then re-download:
vagrant box remove muon-platform-demo
vagrant box add muon-platform-demo https://microux.s3.amazonaws.com/muon-platform-demo.box