An application that allows running tests on hardware devices.
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build/release/sr-hw-test-agent --help
Run a test file on hardware:
build/release/sr-hw-test-agent --run --board BOARD --file FILE
-bXX, --board=XX Specify the target board for tests
-fXX, --file=XX Specify the firmware .bin file to test
-u, --unlocked Don't ensure only one agent runs at a time
-lXX, --lock-timeout=XX Seconds to wait for exclusive agent access
-tXX, --test-timeout=XX Seconds to wait for test to complete
--system-frequency=XX Firmware system frequency in hz
--trace-frequency=XX Firmware ITM trace frequency in hz
Run the agent as a network server that will listen for test requests over the network. NOTE: There is no security. Any software that can reach this port can run any file. Only expose this software in a trusted environment.
build/release/sr-hw-test-agent --server --port PORT
-s, --server Run as a network server
-pXX, --port=XX Port for the server to listen on
-u, --unlocked Don't ensure only one agent runs at a time
-lXX, --lock-timeout=XX Seconds to wait for exclusive agent access
-tXX, --test-timeout=XX Seconds to wait for test to complete
Show the system's current configuration:
build/release/sr-hw-test-agent --show-config
Configuration is stored in the file '/etc/hardware-test-agent.conf'. This file consists of multiple sections where each defines a hardware device to run tests on. Currently the local boards only support running with stlink.
id=<Programmer Serial Number>
flash-base=<Address to load firmware to, such as: 0x08000000>