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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with tomcat
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The tomcat module lets you use Puppet to install, deploy, and configure Tomcat web services.

##Module Description

Tomcat is a Java web service provider. The tomcat module lets you use Puppet to install Tomcat, manage its configuration file, and deploy web apps to it. It supports multiple instances of Tomcat spanning multiple versions.


###Setup requirements

The tomcat module requires puppetlabs-stdlib version 4.0 or newer. On Puppet Enterprise you must meet this requirement before installing the module. To update stdlib, run:

puppet module upgrade puppetlabs-stdlib

###Beginning with tomcat

The simplest way to get Tomcat up and running with the tomcat module is to install the Tomcat package from EPEL...

class { 'tomcat':
  install_from_source => false,
class { 'epel': }->
tomcat::instance{ 'default':
  package_name => 'tomcat',

...and then start the service:

tomcat::service { 'default':
  use_jsvc     => false,
  use_init     => true,
  service_name => 'tomcat',


###I want to install Tomcat from a specific source

To download Tomcat from a specific source and then start the service:

class { 'tomcat': }
class { 'java': }
tomcat::instance { 'test':
  source_url => ''
tomcat::service { 'default': }

###I want to run multiple copies of Tomcat on a single node

class { 'tomcat': }
class { 'java': }

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat8':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8',
  source_url    => ''
tomcat::service { 'default':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8',

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat6':
  source_url    => '',
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
tomcat::config::server { 'tomcat6':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
  port          => '8105',
tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat6-http':
  catalina_base         => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
  port                  => '8180',
  protocol              => 'HTTP/1.1',
  additional_attributes => {
    'redirectPort' => '8543'
tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat6-ajp':
  catalina_base         => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6',
  port                  => '8109',
  protocol              => 'AJP/1.3',
  additional_attributes => {
    'redirectPort' => '8543'
tomcat::service { 'tomcat6':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6'

###I want to deploy WAR files

tomcat::war { 'sample.war':
  catalina_base => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8',
  war_source => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8/webapps/docs/appdev/sample/sample.war',

The name of the WAR file must end with '.war'.

The war_source can be a local path or a puppet:///, http://, or ftp:// URL.

###I want to change my configuration

Tomcat does not restart after you update its configuration, unless you supply a notify metaparameter.

To remove a connector, for instance, start with a manifest like this:

tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat8-jsvc':
  catalina_base         => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8-jsvc',
  port                  => '80',
  protocol              => 'HTTP/1.1',
  additional_attributes => {
    'redirectPort' => '443'
  connector_ensure => 'present'

Then set connector_ensure to 'absent' and set notify to the service resource:

tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat8-jsvc':
  catalina_base         => '/opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat8-jsvc',
  port                  => '80',
  protocol              => 'HTTP/1.1',
  additional_attributes => {
    'redirectPort' => '443'
  connector_ensure => 'present'
  notify => Tomcat::Service['jsvc-default'],

###I want to manage a Connector or Realm that already exists

Describe the Realm or HTTP Connector element using tomcat::config::server::realm or tomcat::config::server::connector, and set purge_realms or purge_connectors to 'true'.

tomcat::config::server::realm { 'org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm':
  realm_ensure => 'present',
  purge_realms => true,

Puppet removes any existing Connectors or Realms and leaves only the ones you've specified.



####Public Classes

  • tomcat: Main class. Manages the installation and configuration of Tomcat.

####Private Classes

  • tomcat::params: Manages Tomcat parameters.


####Public Defines

  • tomcat::config::server: Configures attributes for the Server element in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::connector: Configures Connector elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::context: Configures Context elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::engine: Configures Engine elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::host: Configures Host elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::listener: Configures Listener elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::realm: Configures Realm elements in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::service: Configures a Service element element nested in the Server element in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::config::server::tomcat_users: Configures user and role elements for [UserDatabaseRealm] ( or [MemoryRealm] ( in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml or any other specified file.
  • tomcat::config::server::valve: Configures a Valve element in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.
  • tomcat::instance: Installs a Tomcat instance.
  • tomcat::service: Provides Tomcat service management.
  • tomcat::setenv::entry: Adds an entry to a Tomcat configuration file (e.g., or /etc/sysconfig/tomcat).
  • tomcat::war: Manages the deployment of WAR files.

####Private Defines

  • tomcat::instance::package: Installs Tomcat from a package.
  • tomcat::instance::source: Installs Tomcat from source.


All parameters are optional except where otherwise noted.



Specifies the root directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '/opt/apache-tomcat'.


Specifies a group to run Tomcat as. Valid options: a string containing a valid group name. Default: 'tomcat'.


Specifies whether to install Tomcat from source. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Determines whether to create the specified group, if it doesn't exist. Uses Puppet's native group resource type with default parameters. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Determines whether to create the specified user, if it doesn't exist. Uses Puppet's native user resource type with default parameters. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged Connector elements from the configuration file. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'.


Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged Realm elements from the configuration file. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'.


Specifies a user to run Tomcat as. Valid options: a string containing a valid username. Default: 'tomcat'.



Specifies a TCP/IP address on which to listen for the shutdown command. Maps to the address XML attribute. Valid options: a string. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the address XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the Java class name of a server implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute in the configuration file. Valid options: a string containing a Java class name. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the className XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies a port on which to listen for the designated shutdown command. Maps to the port XML attribute. Valid options: a string containing a port number. Default: undef.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.


Designates a command that shuts down Tomcat when the command is received through the specified address and port. Maps to the shutdown XML attribute Valid options: a string. Default: undef.



Specifies any further attributes to add to the Connector. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: {}.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Connector. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: [].


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat/catalina_home.


Specifies whether the Connector XML element should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies which Service element the Connector should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Service. Default: 'Catalina'.


Required if connector_ensure is set to 'true' or 'present'. Sets a TCP port on which to create a server socket. Maps to the port XML attribute. Valid options: a string.


Specifies a protocol to use for handling incoming traffic. Maps to the protocol XML attribute. Valid options: a string. Default: $name.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.



Specifies any further attributes to add to the Context. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: {}.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Context. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: [].


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat/catalina_home.


Specifies whether the Context XML element should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies a Document Base (or Context Root) directory or archive file. Maps to the docBase XML attribute. Valid options: a string containing a path (either an absolute path or a path relative to the appBase directory of the owning Host). Default: $name.


Specifies which Engine element the Context should nest under. Only valid if parent_host is specified. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Engine. Default: undef.


Specifies which Host element the Context should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Host. Default: undef.


Specifies which Service XML element the Context should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Service. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.



Determines the delay between invoking the backgroundProcess method on this engine and its child containers. Maps to the backgroundProcessorDelay XML attribute. Valid options: an integer, in seconds. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the backgroundProcessorDelay XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the Java class name of a server implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute. Valid options: a string containing a Java class name. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the className XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Required. Specifies a host to handle any requests directed to hostnames that exist on the server but are not defined in this configuration file. Maps to the defaultHost XML attribute of the Engine. Valid options: a string containing a hostname.


Specifies the logical name of the Engine, used in log and error messages. Maps to the name XML attribute. Valid options: a string. Default: the '[name]' passed in your define.


Specifies an identifier to enable session affinity in load balancing. Maps to the jvmRoute XML attribute. Valid options: string. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the jvmRoute XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies which Service element the Engine should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Service. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.


Sets how many threads the Engine should use to start child Host elements in parallel. Maps to the startStopThreads XML attribute. Valid options: a string. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the startStopThreads XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.



Specifies any further attributes to add to the Host. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: {}.


Required unless host_ensure is set to 'false' or 'absent'. Specifies the Application Base directory for the virtual host. Maps to the appBase XML attribute. Valid options: a string.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Host. Valid options: an array of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: [].


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies whether the virtual host (the Host XML element) should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies the network name of the virtual host, as registered on your DNS server. Maps to the name XML attribute. Valid options: a string. Default: the '[name]' passed in your define.


Specifies which Service element the Host should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Service. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.



Specifies any further attributes to add to the Listener. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: {}.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Listener. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: [].


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the Java class name of a server implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute of a Listener Element. Valid options: a string containing a Java class name. Default: $name.


Specifies whether the Listener XML element should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies which Engine element this Listener should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Engine. Default: undef.


Specifies which Host element this Listener should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Host. Default: undef.


Specifies which Service element the Listener should nest under. Only valid if parent_engine or parent_host is specified. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Service. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.



Specifies any further attributes to add to the Realm element. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: {}.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Realm element. Valid options: an array of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: [].


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the Java class name of a Realm implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute. Valid options: a string containing a Java class name. Default: the '[name]' passed in your define.


Specifies which Engine element this Realm should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Engine. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies which Host element this Realm should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Host. Default: undef.


Specifies which Realm element this Realm should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the className attribute of the Realm element. Default: undef.


Specifies which Service element this Realm element should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name attribute of the Service. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged Realm elements from the configuration file. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'.


Specifies whether the Realm element should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.



Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the Java class name of a server implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute. Valid options: a string containing a Java class name. Default: undef.


Specifies whether the className XML attribute should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.


Specifies whether the Service element should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.



Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the type of element to manage. Valid options: 'user' or 'role'. Default: 'user'.


Sets the element's username (or rolename, if element is set to 'role'). Valid options: a string. Default: $name.


Determines whether the specified XML element should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies the configuration file to manage. Valid options: a string containing a fully-qualified path. Default: '$CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml'.


Specifies whether to create the specified configuration file if it doesn't exist. Uses Puppet's native file resource type with default parameters. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Specifies a password for user elements. Valid options: a string. Default: undef.


Specifies one or more roles. Only valid if element is set to 'role'. Valid options: an array of strings. Default: [].



Specifies any further attributes to add to the Valve. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: {}.


Specifies any attributes to remove from the Valve. Valid options: a hash of '< attribute >' => '< value >' pairs. Default: [].


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the Java class name of a server implementation to use. Maps to the className XML attribute. Valid options: a string containing a Java class name. Default: the '[name]' passed in your define.


Specifies which virtual host the Valve should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name of a Host element. Default: If you don't specify a host, the Valve element nests under the Engine of your specified parent Service.


Specifies which Service element the Valve should nest under. Valid options: a string containing the name of a Service element. Default: 'Catalina'.


Specifies a server.xml file to manage. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: '${catalina_base}/config/server.xml'.


Specifies whether the Valve should exist in the configuration file. Maps to the Valve XML element. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.



Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Only affects the instance installation if install_from_source is set to 'true'. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the root directory of the Tomcat installation. Only affects the instance installation if install_from_source is set to 'true'. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies whether to install from source. If set to 'false', installation is driven by the package_ensure and package_name parameters. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Determines whether the specified package should be installed. Only valid if install_from_source is set to 'false'. Maps to the ensure parameter of Puppet's native package resource type. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Required if install_from_source is set to 'false'. Specifies the package to install. Valid options: a string containing a valid package name.


Specifies whether to strip the topmost directory of the tarball when unpacking it. Only valid if install_from_source is set to 'true'. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Required if install_from_source is set to 'true'. Specifies the source URL to install from. Valid options: a string containing a puppet://, http(s)://, or ftp:// URL.



Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies the root directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies where Java is installed. Only applies if use_jsvc is set to 'true'. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: undef. Note: if you don't specify a home path in this parameter, Puppet does not pass the -home switch to Tomcat. That can cause problems on some systems, so we recommend including this parameter.


Specifies whether to enable the Tomcat service at boot. Only valid if use_init is set to 'true'. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true', if use_init is set to 'true' and service_ensure is set to 'running' or 'true'.


Specifies whether the Tomcat service should be running. Maps to the ensure parameter of Puppet's native service resource type. Valid options: 'running', 'stopped', 'true', and 'false'. Default: 'present'.


Required if use_init is set to 'true'. Specifies the name of the Tomcat service. Valid options: a string.


Designates a command to start the service. Valid options: a string. Default: determined by the values of use_init and use_jsvc.


Designates a command to stop the service. Valid options: a string. Default: determined by the values of use_init and use_jsvc.


Specifies whether to use a package-provided init script for service management. Note that the tomcat module does not supply an init script. If both use_jsvc and use_init are set to 'false', tomcat uses the following commands for service management:

  • $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ start
  • $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ stop

Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'.


Specifies whether to use Jsvc for service management. If both use_jsvc and use_init are set to 'false', tomcat uses the following commands for service management:

  • $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ start
  • $CATALINA_BASE/bin/ stop

Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'.



Deprecated. Please use config_file instead.


Specifies the configuration file to edit. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $'::tomcat::catalina_home/bin/'.


Determines whether the fragment should exist in the configuration file. Valid options: 'present', 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Determines the ordering of your parameters in the configuration file (parameters with lower order values appear first.) Valid options: an integer or a string containing an integer. Default: '10'.


Specifies a parameter to manage. Valid options: a string. Default: the '[name]' passed in your define.


Specifies a character to include before and after the specified value. Valid options: a string (usually a single or double quote). Default: (blank).


Required. Provides the value(s) of the managed parameter. Valid options: a string or an array. If passing an array, separate values with a single space.



Specifies where to deploy the WAR. Cannot be used in combination with deployment_path. Valid options: a string containing a path relative to $CATALINA_BASE. Default: If you don't specify an app_base, Puppet deploys the WAR to your specified deployment_path. If you don't specify that either, the WAR deploys to '${catalina_base}/webapps'.


Specifies the base directory of the Tomcat installation. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: $::tomcat::catalina_home.


Specifies where to deploy the WAR. Cannot be used in combination with app_base. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: If you don't specify a deployment_path, Puppet deploys the WAR to your specified app_base. If you don't specify that either, the WAR deploys to '${catalina_base}/webapps'.


Specifies whether the WAR should exist. Valid options: 'true', 'false', 'present', and 'absent'. Default: 'present'.


Specifies the name of the WAR. Valid options: a string containing a filename that ends in '.war'. Default: the '[name]' passed in your define.


Specifies whether to purge the exploded WAR directory. Only applicable when war_ensure is set to 'absent' or 'false'.

Note: Setting this parameter to 'false' does not prevent Tomcat from removing the exploded WAR directory if Tomcat is running and autoDeploy is set to 'true'. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'.


Required unless war_ensure is set to 'false' or 'absent'. Specifies the source to deploy the WAR from. Valid options: a string containing a puppet://, http(s)://, or ftp:// URL.


This module only supports Tomcat installations on *nix systems. The tomcat::config::server* defines require Augeas version 1.0.0 or newer.

###Multiple Instances

Some Tomcat packages do not let you install more than one instance. You can avoid this limitation by installing Tomcat from source.


Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can't access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve.

We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes so that our modules work in your environment. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.

For more information, see our module contribution guide.


To see who's already involved, see the list of contributors.

###Running tests

This project contains tests for both rspec-puppet and beaker-rspec to verify functionality. For in-depth information, please see their respective documentation.


gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
RS_DEBUG=yes bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance


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