- Update or download 86Box executable from the last available artifact (you can choose between Old and New dynarec). Only the 64 bits version for now.
- Update or download with the last Roms repository. (mandatory for 86Box)
- Show a changelog between the installed and the last version.
- Auto detect if Roms must be updated too. (based on modification date Vs the last commit date)
- Only show GUI if executable or Roms must be updated, otherwise it just try the feature below.
- Execute
(https://github.com/86Box/86BoxManager) orAvalonia86.exe
(https://github.com/notBald/Avalonia86) (if found in the same folder) after update or just close itself.
- Python 3.5+
- PySide6-Essentials
- requests
- pywin32 (only for Windows)
- Nuitka (for building only)
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements-win.txt
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements-linux.txt
python3 app.pyw
python3 -m nuitka --onefile --windows-console-mode=disable --enable-plugin=pyside6 --windows-icon-from-ico=app.ico --output-filename=86BoxUpdater.exe --deployment --remove-output app.pyw
(A file named 86BoxUpdater.exe file should be created in the project directory)
python3 -m nuitka --onefile --windows-console-mode=disable --enable-plugin=pyside6 --windows-icon-from-ico=app.ico --output-filename=86BoxUpdater --deployment --remove-output app.pyw
(A file named 86BoxUpdater.bin file should be created in the project directory)