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SigmaEpsilon.DeepDict - A lightweight Python library to handle nested dictionaries

CircleCI codecov Documentation Status License PyPI Python 3.7‒3.10 Code style: black Requirements Status

The DeepDict class works very similarly to a regular dict, but makes life easier in sutiations where there are nested levels, especially when such dictionary is to be created dynamically.

Motivating examples

Consider the following simple dictionary

>>> d = {
...   "a" : {"aa" : 1},
...   "b" : 2,
...   "c" : {"cc" : {"ccc" : 3}}, 
... }

This is what happens when you iterate through the values of it:

>>> list(d.values())
[{'aa': 1}, 2, {'cc': {'ccc': 3}}]

If you wrap it as a DeepDict:

>>> from sigmaepsilon.deepdict import DeepDict
>>> dd = DeepDict.wrap(d)
>>> list(dd.values(deep=True))
[1, 2, 3]

The class supports array-like indexing, which combined with the default factory creates the possibility to create deep levels without having to create all the parents:

>>> data = DeepDict()
>>> data["a", 0, "b", 1, 5] = 10

Each subdirectory is aware about it's parent container

>>> data["a", 0, "b"].key
>>> data["a", 0, "b"].address
['a', 0, 'b']
>>> data["a", 0, "b"].parent.key

Given that the asciitree library is installed, it is also possible to print dictionaries (any kind) as a tree:

>>> from sigmaepsilon.deepdict import asciiprint
>>> d = {
...     "a" : {"aa" : 1},
...     "b" : 2,
...     "c" : {"cc" : {"ccc" : 3}},
... }
>>> data = DeepDict.wrap(d)
>>> = "Data"
>>> asciiprint(data)
    +-- a
    +-- c
        +-- cc

See the documentation for more examples and explanation on behaviour.


The documentation is built with Sphinx using the PyData Sphinx Theme and hosted on ReadTheDocs.


This is optional, but we suggest you to create a dedicated virtual enviroment at all times to avoid conflicts with your other projects. Create a folder, open a command shell in that folder and use the following command

>>> python -m venv venv_name

Once the enviroment is created, activate it via typing

>>> .\venv_name\Scripts\activate

The library can be installed (either in a virtual enviroment or globally) from PyPI using pip on Python >= 3.7:

>>> pip install sigmaepsilon.deepdict


This package is licensed under the MIT license.