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Renew power hackathon

The project’s objective was to predict the rotor-bearing temperature of wind turbines from the yearly data. Following are the steps with a brief explanation that were followed in the submission notebook,

  • Imported training dataset

  • Created new features relevant to wind energy systems:

    • Apparent power: hypotenuses to active and reactive power
    • Power difference between active and average power: useful to detect surges
    • Power from wind speed: P= 1/3 × air density × (wind velocity)^3
    • Frictional factor: ∝ (generator speed)^2
    • Difference between raw and convertor calculated power
    • Temperature difference between inside and outside nacelle temperature
    • Phase angle= tan^(-1)⁡(reactive power/active power)
  • Anomaly detection and removal was performed using PCA transformation:

    • Divided df based on ‘turbine_id’ and separately saved the dependent/independent variables
    • PCA transformation of independent variables with same number of features as original data
    • Reconstructed original data using transformed features from the previous step
    • Used z-score to eliminate data with an extreme reconstruction error
  • Visualized features separately for each turbine:

    • Turbines behave differently and scaling all as same data will undermine values from the turbine with smaller values. Scaled each turbine independently and later concatenated all together.
    • Many features depend on season/weather (different values in different months). As timestamps can’t be used to extract months, clustering was used to separate these different data points
  • Clustering based on climate/weather features to segregate data into two clusters (most likely hot and cold seasons):

    • Scaled the data before clustering to avoid feature dominance
    • k-mean and hdbscan clustering were used based on seasonal features from the visualization
    • For each turbine, data were clustered into two labels, which were later used as a new feature for modelling
  • Other performed data transformations include:

    • Skewness correction with PowerTransformer (yeo-johnson transformation)
    • Concatenation of different turbines data into single df
    • Outlier removal based on visualization wrt. target column
    • OHE for turbine_id
    • Feature selection:
      • Many columns were highly correlated (> 0.9). Dropped columns with multi-collinearity
      • Dropped columns which don’t impact the model by hit & trail
  • Split data into train-test with stratification on turbine_ids (train-test should have proportioned data of each turbine)

  • Model selection:

    • Different models such as KNN, LinearRegression, RandomForest, XGBoost, Catboost were trained on train split of the data with default parameters
    • A simplistic vanilla neural network was also trained with a fixed learning rate and SGD optimizer
    • Models evaluated based on MAPE and R2 scores on test split of the data
    • Neural network outperformed other models and was chosen for optimization
    • Developed Tensorflow sequential neural network
      • Regularization techniques such as dropout and batch-normalization were employed to avoid overfitting
  • Defined learning rate schedule, optimizer and loss function:

  • For continuation of the learning process, decaying learning rate schedule was fed instead of a constant value

  • Different optimizers such as RMSProp, Adam and SGD were tried; Adam outperformed the others

  • Error functions such as MSE, MAE, MAPE and MSLE were used; Optimization on MAPE gave the best score for the competition

  • The model was trained on complete data with 600 batch size and 1000 epochs

  • Losses and evaluation metrics wrt. epochs were plotted for the inference

  • Trained model and weights saved as JSON and h5 files, respectively

  • Loaded saved model for prediction on the test dataset

  • Submission:

    • Repeated the same transformations on the test df
    • Prediction from the loaded model
    • Saved the submission file
    • Verified the predicted data


To predict rotary bearing temperature of wind turbines




