An Android demo app using Tumblr API's and clean architecture
- Jumblr - For Tumblr API's
- Koin - Dependency Injection
- Glide - Image Loading
- RxAndroid - Threading and communication
- JetPack Components - LiveData, ViewModel, LifeCycle
- Kotlin Android Extensions - View Binding, Parcelization
- Frag Nav - Fragment management
- Mockito - Mocking
- JUnit - Unit testing
- Android core libraries like RecyclerView, CardView etc.
- Ktlint - Linter
In order to successfully run the app, one needs to replace the Keys
in the file Dependencies.kt
as shown in the block below.
The file is located in the buildSrc
package of the application
object Keys {
const val consumerKey = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
const val consumerSecret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET"
const val token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
const val tokenSecret = "YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET"