A library to parse/stringify metadata of markdown code block.
npm install markdown-code-block-meta --save
Parsing markdown with remark.
```js title="Here is an example"
A Code block will turn into:
"lang": "js",
"meta": "title=\"Here is an example\""
Parsing metadata like this:
import { getValue, parse, stringify } from 'markdown-code-block-meta';
const input =
'-8=。是 ==0 ===f=5 =9 dd k=dsds op="s 7" d-p="" sss=`7 u-` rj= lp=\' ds ds\' t="`"';
const result = parse(input);
/* result = Map {
'-8' => '。是',
'==0' => undefined,
'===f=5' => undefined,
'=9' => undefined,
'dd' => undefined,
'k' => 'dsds',
'op' => '"s 7"',
'd-p' => '""',
'sss' => '`7 u-`',
'rj=' => undefined,
'lp' => '\' ds ds\'',
't' => '"`"'
} */
stringify(result); // same as input
getValue('"abc"'); // abc
getValue('`abc`'); // abc
getValue("'abc'"); // abc