KEY: π¦ NEW, π IMPROVE, π FIX, π DOC, π RELEASE, β DONE, and π€ TEST
Characters and Planets Creation application is a full-stack web application written in Javascript; Frontend in React.js, Apollo-client, Mui and Backend in Node.js using Koa, Graphql, Postgres & Knex. Client dir (Frontend) is bootstraped with npx create-react-app. You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.
You just saw the Star Wars movies and you really liked them (even though there are some scenario choices you're not sure you approve). You've decided to join a Star Wars fan group to talk about your new interest and you've met them for the first time yesterday evening, it went really well. They are interested that you are a developer and would like you to develop something for the group.
Here is what they tell you:
"We currently have the project of imagining a new world where adventures can happen. We imagine the planets and characters of this world but it's difficult to keep track of what we have already done on paper. It would be nice to have an app to easily manage the content of our new world. π The idea is to be able to create and view the planets and the characters. What do you think? We all are developers too but we don't currently have the time to develop it. Would you be interested in developing it?" Enthusiastic to help your new group of friends, you accept and here you go.
- web application in which you can create the planets
- you can create the character/characters that lives on the specific planet
- responsive design for all devices all most
- cross browser compatability for the UI
- apollo-client at client side for state managment updating cache realtime
- SQL database support using Postgreqs, manipulating with knex
- user authorization with a hardcoded authorizaiton token
- use of Docker, Docker Compose to run the code on any machine
- use of Knex for Postgres db manipulation & graphql for handling data requests from client side
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.
You'll need Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
Clone the repository.
git clone && cd characters-planets-creation
Build Docker containers locally:
docker-compose up --build
After building every thing, you might will receive error kind of this
Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Linux/musl 64-bit with Node.js 12.x
client_1 |
client_1 | Found bindings for the following environments:
client_1 | - OS X 64-bit with Node.js 12.x
client_1 | - Linux/musl 64-bit with Node.js 14.x
then stop the docker-compose using cmd CTRL+C Now run this command to build the binary for container
docker-compose exec client npm rebuild node-sass
Now please run this command to check if doker-compose run the containers properly
docker-compose up
//you will see this after succeffull run
client_1 | You can now view client in the browser.
client_1 |
client_1 | Local: http://localhost:4002
client_1 | On Your Network:
client_1 |
client_1 | Note that the development build is not optimized.
client_1 | To create a production build, use npm run build.
- Now open an other terminal with the same directory
and Install some pkgs globaly running this cmd:
docker-compose exec api npm i -g knex && docker-compose exec api npm i --save knex && docker-compose exec api npm i --save pg
- Now Run migrations & seed:
docker-compose exec api knex migrate:up 20220415112937_create_planets.js
docker-compose exec api knex seed:run --specific=planets_seed.js
docker-compose exec api knex migrate:up 20220415113114_create_characters.js
docker-compose exec api knex seed:run --specific=characters_seed.js
Woohoo π! you are done now. At that point you have a previous terminal running containers and you current terminal at which you just ran the migrations.
Go to http://localhost:4003/
to see the Frontend app.
Go to http://localhost:3000/graphql
to see the gql playground.
π΄ Alert: Use this Authorization token if wanna test Api -> "Bearer eyJlbWFpbCI6InNob2FpYjQwMzA4OTFAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiaWQiOiI2MWQyYWI1ZjA0NjU4NTNmOTEzNGUyZWQiLCJyb2xlIjoiVXNlciIsImlhdCI6MTY1MDAxNjA2NiwiZXhwIjoxNjgxNTUyMDY2fQ"
In any case you stoped the docker-compose, run this command
docker-compose up
//NOTE: to stop and remove containers run this
docker-compose down
//go to client dir from root dir (where you currently are i.e characters-planets-creation) using this cmd
cd client
npm run test
- Friends relations with each others (That was optional)
- Backend: Didn't restricted db schema fields to some varchar limits
- Backend: Didn't applied checks for table fields ranges, if you populate the DB
- Frontend: Cache is not optimal due to again querying data to update cache
- Repo name could be the Spacious π , anyway will be changed later.
- Backend: Code can be refactored in queries and mutation files espacially before returing the reponse to resolvers
- Backend: Schema tables fields can be restricted to some limits
- Frontend: Cache can be optimized more, using Graphql fragments