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shinokada edited this page Feb 2, 2014 · 1 revision



Starting notes

# from vim commands
:edit note: # :tabedit note:, :split note:
:edit note:title # :tabedit note:title, :split note:title
# select a text and
\en # :NoteFromSelectedText


:w # :write, :update, no file name. It will use the title. 

Note directory

All notes are saved in .vim/bundle/vim-notes/misc/notes/user/ directory


:Note filetitle # use tab completion


:DeleteNote # to delete current file


:SearchNotes keyword … # searches for keywords :SearchNotes /pattern/ # searches for regular expressions

The :SearchNotes command supports tab completion of keywords and sorts candidates by relevance ([Levenshtein distance] [levenshtein])

Smart defaults

Without an argument :SearchNotes searches for the word under the cursor (if the word starts with @ that character will be included in the search, this means you can easily search for @tagged notes)


The :RelatedNotes command find all notes referencing the current file

List by date

The :RecentNotes command lists your notes by modification date, starting with the most recently edited note

Navigating between notes

The included syntax script highlights note names as hyper links and the file type plug-in redefines [gf] [gf] to jump between notes (the [Control-w f] [ctrlwf] mapping to jump to a note in a split window and the [Control-w gf] [ctrlwgf] mapping to jump to a note in a new tab page also work)

Writing aids

The included file type plug-in contains mappings for automatic curly quotes, arrows and list bullets and supports completion of note titles using Control-X Control-U and completion of tags using Control-X Control-O

Embedded file types

The included syntax script supports embedded highlighting using blocks marked with {{{type … }}} which allows you to embed highlighted code and configuration snippets in your notes

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