This project was created by us for the Google Developer Student Clubs Solution Challenge 2021. Google Developer Student Clubs Solution Challenge is an annual challenge hosted by Google developers, inviting college/university students from all over the world to learn & develop solutions for the given set of problems.
Every year a different set of problems is given which can improve the lifestyle of common people and creates a positive impact on the society. The problem statements for DSC Solution Challenge 2021 are 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We chose the "Good Health and Well-Being" United Nations Sustainable Development Goal to work upon.
6 out of 10 people are suffering from Chronic Diseases. The same could have been prevented or controlled with some daily routine changes. As of today, we have around 10 doctors per 10,000 people on the planet. This is approximately 0.1% global coverage. Compare that with the worldwide internet reach, which stands at about 62% of today's global population. Lifestyle diseases stem from an imbalanced daily routine which personal routine improvements of an individual can effectively solve.Additionally, people can learn from those who have gone through the same fate before, thus highlighting the need to bring them together. The pandemic taught us that even finding a health service nearby can be a herculean task. A solution leveraging the widespread availability of the internet is almost demanding to happen.
We believe that technological and medical advancements aim to improve the quality of human life by providing them with a physical, emotional, and mental support system. Even today, health concerns overshadow a significant part of financial prosperity in many developing developing countries. Surely, there is a technological vacancy waiting to be plugged in, and it was precisely this reason that motivated us to chose this specific goal. We try to bridge the gap between an ordinary person and their right to a healthier life.
The project requires Android Studio version 4.1.2 or higher to build without errors.
The .apk file produced on building the project will require an Android device/emulator with Android version being Oreo 8.0 or higher.
- Clone the repository on your device, and build the project using Android Studio and run on the connected Android device/emulator.
- Download the apk from here and install and run on your Android device.
- Chatbot : helps patients deal with daily stress and tension
- Medicine tracker: helps patients keep a track on their medication schedule
- Optical Aid : makes reading small printed text easier, such as contents written on medicines
- Excercise instructor : instructs how to do an exercise properly using machine learning
- Push Notifications : To remind the users about daily routine activities that could improve their lifestyle
- Daily Goals : Helps users track their fitness routine and keep themselves engaged
- Nearby Services : To help users connect with nearby healthcare services at affordable costs
Hummigo webapp supplements the hummigo app and aims at making an impact on community by providing nearby services such as diagnostic services, hospitals, gyms, yoga classes etc. and also provides the best platform to read or write blogs and share personal stories of people suffering with chronic illness. The blogs and stories also get sorted as per user's interests and needs using our self made Natural Language Processing model.

Proper user testing and revamping of solution was of the utmost importance for a revolutionary healthcare app like hummigo . So we asked our potential user base to test our Solution , suggest improvements and also let us know the bugs or issues they face. After collecting over 250+ test results and 130+ feedbacks , we modified our solution to ensure that it provides the best user experience and prooves to be the one stop solution for all healthcare needs.

Github Repository of Hummigo webapp
Website link
- Google Cloud’s DialogFlow ES
- Google Assistant
- Google ML Kit's Pose Detection API
- Google ML Kit's Text Recognition API
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Mapbox SDK for nearby services
- FRAKE model for keyword extraction
We believe that regular monitoring of daily health and abiding strictly to medication and exercise discipline can greatly improve the conditions of people suffering from chronic disorders or prolonged dieases like diabetes, Parkinson's, High Blood Pressure. Easier monitoring and better anagement of daily health can prevent or at the very least, delay the progression of such diseases into their advanced stages. And therefore, we have come up with a one-stop solution for monitoring and better management of daily health.
Our team comprises of Shikhar Srivastava, an undergrad at NIT-J, specialising in android development. Abhineet Pandey, undergrad at IIITDM Jabalpur, who is a full stack developer proficient in the MERN Stack. Varenya Srivastava, undergrad at IIT-K, who incorporates ML/NLP models in our solution