##The Idea
A website that displays information about upcoming events and other announcements pertinent to the department.
- to spread information better, more time-effective, and more socially
*** Need *** - stronger community within lab/office space amongst students, faculty, and admin. better, more effective way to disseminate information so it is utilized more often and not disregarded.
*** Approach *** - use of a website that displays information about upcoming events and other announcements pertinent to the department. an accompanying website will be available to further access information about upcoming events and other announcements.
*** Benefit *** - builds better community, facilitates greater participation in events, entertaining and "fun." No more need of these gotdamn "reminder" emails, which are the same as the original email, just forwarded from the same person.
*** Competition *** - incredimail. rss feeds. listserv emails. bulletin boards. word-of-mouth communication.
- View content
- Filter content
- Post content
- Search for content
- Allow user profiles
- Comment on content
- Events
- Announcements
- Solicitations
- Media (video, images)
- User - string
- Date posted - datetime
- Title - string
- Content type - string
- Body text - text
- Date (of event) - datetime
- Location (of event) - text
- Links/Attachments - text