Antibiotic Resistant Gene metagenomics and metatranscriptomics MAPping pipeline
Profiling Antibiotic Resistant Gene Expression with metagenome and metatranscriptome data (for microbiome data from any habitats)
WGS and RNAseq mapping testing Tutorial
#1. Installation of Bowtie2, Bedtools and Samtools
Installation of Bowtie2 2.2.1
Please check:
Installation of Bedtools 2.16.1
Please check:
Installation of Samtools 1.3.1
Please check:
#2. CARD Database (The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database)
CARD v.1.1.0 reference database will be built up in "${sourcedir}/CARD/" by default
#3. WGS and RNAseq Input Testing Dataset (Paired-End)
We uploaded the example datasets in the following FTP platform. Please download the DNA and RNA testing dataset and put them in "ARGMap/example/WGS/" and "ARGMap/example/RNAseq/", respectively.
**Example Datasets:
Please make sure both of your input datasets are in fastq format!
**Description of the testing datasets:
3-A. DNA whole-genome shotgun sequencing (paired-end) example dataset
Design: Illumina sequencing of human gut metagenome via random selection Accession ID: SRX247394 ID of example run: SRR769533 Data link: Citation: [1] Download Date: 2017/1/23 Other Information: ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) run: 15.4M spots, 3.1G bases, 2.3Gb downloads
3-B. RNA sequencing of transcriptome (paired-end) example dataset
Design: Illumina sequencing of human gut metagenome via random selection Accession ID: SRX247334 ID of example run: SRR769401 Data link: Citation: [1] Download Date: 2017/1/23 Other Information: ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) runs: 12.5M spots, 2.5G bases, 2.1Gb downloads
#4. Config File "" Editing
Please edit the pathway in config file as its instruction!
#5. Execution of pipeline shell script
Please access to your source directory and input "./" then it will source the config file and execute pipeline job.
** The output of testing datasets: FTP Link:
#6. Results Interpretation
In the _integrative_coverage file, first few lines look like
gb|AY928180|0-495|ARO:3002837|lnuC 0 494 52 490 0.9919028 211 494 1.0000000 4.05769 4.02484
######Description of columns:
- ID of antibiotic resistant gene
- Start position of the gene (bed format)
- End position of the gene (bed format)
- (DNA)number of sequencing reads mapped to the gene
- (DNA)number of mapped nucleotides of the gene
- (DNA)fraction of the gene covered by sequencing reads
- (RNA)number of sequencing reads mapped to the gene
- (RNA)number of mapped nucleotides of the gene
- (RNA)fraction of the gene covered by sequencing reads
- (#RNA-read/Gene length)/(#DNA-read/Gene length)
- (#RNA-read/RNA-coverage)/(#DNA-read/DNA-coverage)