Coldstart is a Python cli tool built with click to quickly create a development environment for your next project
Builds configured with Travis with build tag bootstrap in file
Gitignores pulled from Github bootstrap examples
Sets up git connections based on provided repository remote
Git hooks configured with Pre-Commit
Current environment language support: Python3
Current License support: Apache, GNUGPL v3.0, MIT
Ensure you are running a Python version >= 3.6
$ python3 --version # returns 'Python 3.7.1' or a version >= 'Python 3.6'
Run in terminal from the src file (I will eventually publish this project up to pip for install/run directly)
# Project creation
$ Coldstart project -p'project name' -l 'license selection' -lang 'language selection' -g 'github repo link'
# Project deletion
$ Coldstart project -p'project name'
- Licenses: apache, gnugpl3, mit
- Languages: python = 'Rachel Sheikh' = '[email protected]' = '571-315-1881'