A command-line interface tool that provides various web service integrations including weather lookup, NFL scores, news aggregation, economic indicators, tide information, and earthquake data.
Weather lookup by address
- Converts addresses to coordinates using Census Geocoding API
- Fetches detailed weather data from National Weather Service API
- Stores recent lookups in local SQLite database
- Generates Google Maps links for looked-up addresses
NFL Scores
- Real-time game scores from ESPN API
- Shows upcoming, in-progress, and completed games
- Displays current game period and score for live games
News Aggregation
- Fetches latest news articles using Google News
- Filter articles by specific domains (e.g., wsj.com)
- Displays article titles, publication dates, and URLs
- Limited to 5 most recent articles per query
BLS Economic Indicators
- Retrieves key economic indicators from the BLS API
- Includes CPI, CPI less food and energy, PPI, Nonfarm payroll, and Unemployment rate
- Displays data in a format preferred by financial analysts, including month-over-month changes and actual values
Tide Information
- Converts address to coordinates using Census Geocoding API
- Finds the nearest NOAA tide station
- Retrieves tide predictions from NOAA API
- Displays high and low tide times and types
Querying Salesforce contacts
- Prompts for username, password, and personal token
- Retrieves contact records based on filter criteria
Earthquake Information
- Retrieves last 24 hours 5.0 earthquake data from the USGS Earthquake API
- Displays earthquake magnitude, location, and time
- Filters results by minimum magnitude and time range
This project uses DevContainers for development. To get started:
- Install Docker and VS Code
- Open the project in VS Code
- Install the "Remote - Containers" extension
- Click "Reopen in Container" when prompted
The container will automatically install all dependencies and start the application.
Run the application:
python3 poly_cli.py
If using a dev container, the application is started automatically.
Navigate through the menus to:
- Look up weather for a new address or select from recent lookups
- View live NFL scores and game information
- Browse latest news articles from specific domains
- View latest economic indicators from the BLS
- Look up tide information by address
- View recent earthquake information
- Exit the application
- Census Geocoding Services - Convert addresses to coordinates
- National Weather Service API - Weather data and forecasts
- ESPN API - NFL scores and game information
- Google News - News article aggregation
- BLS API - Economic indicators data
- NOAA Tides and Currents API - Tide predictions
- simple_salesforce - A basic Salesforce.com REST API client for Python.
- GitHub Repository
- USGS Earthquake API - Recent earthquake data
- DevContainer Specification - Learn about DevContainer configuration
- Python 3.11+
- Docker (for development container)
- Required Python packages listed in requirements.txt