- vim >= 8.2 (tested in CLI mode only)
- Linux
- Font DroidSansMono: configure it for the terminal
- Finder fzf (ensure fzf binary is in the $PATH)
- ag [silversearcher-ag] (for AnyJump)
- For C++ projects: ensure compile_commands.json is generated (for ALE).
cd ~
git clone git://github.com/shapovalovts/.vim.git
cd ~/.vim
mkdir spool
echo "source ~/.vim/vimrc" > ~/.vimrc
- Install Vundle with
git clone http://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git bundle/vundle
- Run Vim (ignore warnings) and type
to install the configured plugins with Vundle - Restart vim
- Enjoy!
Normal Mode
Insert Mode
- vundle
- nerdtree
- vim-easymotion
- vcscommand.vim
- vim-surround
- ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine)
- OmniCppComplete
- tagbar
- Shswitch
- SearchComplete
- ShowMarks
- vim-indent-guides.git
- Vimerl
- snipmate.vim
- vim-eunuch
- vim-repeat
- vim-escript
- vim-multiple-cursors
- python-syntax
- mhinz/vim-signify
- mhinz/vim-startify
- chrisbra/Recover.vim
- scrooloose/nerdcommenter
- skywind3000/vim-quickui
- yanoasis/vim-devicons
- bkad/CamelCaseMotion
- bkad/CamelCaseMotion
- junegunn/fzf.vim
- ryvnf/readline.vim
- nkantar/SPI.vim
- pechorin/any-jump.vim
- junegunn/vim-peekaboo
- markonm/traces.vim
- ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags
- rhysd/git-messenger.vim
- editorconfig/editorconfig-vim
- itspriddle/vim-shellcheck
- tpope/vim-endwise
- itspriddle/vim-stripper
- tpope/vim-fugitive
- airblade/vim-rooter
- godlygeek/tabular
- plasticboy/vim-markdown
- unblevable/quick-scope
- bfrg/vim-cpp-modern
- lepture/vim-jinja
- carlsmedstad/vim-bicep