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GCP GKE Terraform Module logo

Terraform module that deploys essential core add-ons to your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. This Terraform module is also used as part of the GCP-GKE stack template to start and provision a GKE cluster with add-ons in Google Cloud Platform.


The module installs the following add-ons to a GKE cluster:

  1. Ingress-Nginx: Easily deploy the Ingress Nginx controller, which provides a powerful and scalable solution for managing external access to services within your GKE cluster. Ingress Nginx is crucial for routing external traffic to your applications.

  2. External-DNS: Seamlessly configure External DNS for your GKE cluster. External DNS automatically manages DNS records in your chosen DNS provider based on changes in your cluster's services and Ingress resources. It simplifies DNS management and ensures that your applications are always reachable via DNS.

  3. External-Secrets: Securely manage secrets in your GKE cluster using External Secrets. This module helps you integrate External Secrets, which allows you to fetch secrets from various secret stores and inject them into your pods as environment variables or files. This enhances the security and flexibility of secret management.

  4. Cert-Manager: Deploy Cert-Manager to automate the management of SSL/TLS certificates in your GKE cluster. Cert-Manager simplifies the process of obtaining and renewing certificates from Let's Encrypt or other certificate authorities, ensuring that your applications are served over HTTPS securely.

  5. Reloader: Automatically update ConfigMaps and Secrets in your Kubernetes cluster when their sources change. Reloader helps keep your cluster configuration up-to-date by watching for changes in ConfigMaps and Secrets and triggering updates when changes occur.

By using this Terraform module, you can streamline the deployment of these essential add-ons, including Reloader, and focus on developing and running your applications without worrying about the complexities of add-on setup.


To use this Terraform module for installing core add-ons in your GKE cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Module Configuration: In your Terraform configuration, define the module and configure the necessary variables. Here's an example of how to include this module in your Terraform code:

    module "gke_core_addons" {
      source = ""
      gke_endpoint            = gke.endpoint
      gke_ca_certificate      = gke.ca_certificate
      project_id              = project_id
      enable_reloader         = true
      enable_nginx            = true
      enable_cert_manager     = true
      enable_external_secrets = true
      enable_argocd           = true
      enable_external_dns     = true
      domain                  = ""


Name Version
terraform >= 1.2.0
google >= 4.80.0
helm >= 2.11.0
kubernetes >= 2.20.0
null >= 3.2.0
random >= 3.5.1


Name Version
google 4.81.0
helm 2.11.0
random 3.5.1


Name Source Version
external_dns_workload_identity terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google//modules/workload-identity ~> 27.0.0
external_secrets_workload_identity terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google//modules/workload-identity ~> 27.0.0


Name Type
helm_release.argocd resource
helm_release.cert_manager resource
helm_release.cluster_gcp_secret_store resource
helm_release.cluster_issuer_letsencrypt_production resource
helm_release.external_dns resource
helm_release.external_secrets resource
helm_release.ingress_nginx resource
helm_release.reloader resource resource
google_client_config.client data source


Name Description Type Default Required
argocd_chart_version Argocd helm chart version string "5.43.3" no
argocd_image_tag Argocd docker image version string "v2.8.0" no
argocd_password_bcrypted Bctypted password (hash) for argocd web ui string "" no
cert_manager_version Cert manager helm chart version string "v1.5.4" no
domain DNS domain to create apps DNS records for applications string n/a yes
enable_argocd Disable/enable ArgoCD addon bool false no
enable_cert_manager Disable/enable cert manager bool false no
enable_external_dns Disable/enable external dns bool false no
enable_external_secrets Disable/enable external secrets bool false no
enable_nginx Disable/enable Nginx Ingress bool false no
enable_reloader Disable/enable reloader bool false no
external_dns_version External dns helm chart version string "6.5.6" no
external_secrets_version External secrets helm chart version string "0.9.4" no
gke_ca_certificate gke cluster ca certificate string "" no
gke_endpoint gke cluster host endpoint string "" no
ingress_nginx_version Ingress nginx helm chart version string "4.2.5" no
project_id google project id string "" no
reloader_version Reloader chart version string "v0.0.118" no


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