Spring Boot Microservices with kubernetes
1-) add a new server configuration to maven setting.xml ( it's required because of publish docker images )
<username>YOUR DOCKER HUB USERNAME</username>
<password>YOUR DOCKER HUB PASSWORD</password>
<email>[email protected]</email>
2-) I used kubernetes ingress for single enpoint (gateway). Please add host "kube.all" to your /etc/hosts file with your Minikube ip (probably
3-) execute /src/main/scripts/build.sh
or execute mvn clean install docker:build -DpushImage
for each maven sub-modules (todo and user)
4-) execute /src/main/scripts/setup.sh
or execute the following commands respectively
in src/main/scripts
* kubectl create -f deployment-todo.yml
* kubectl create -f deployment-user.yml
* kubectl create -f service-todo.yml
* kubectl create -f service-user.yml
* kubectl create -f ingress.yml
5-) open your browser and go to do sky! => http://kube.all/todo http://kube.all/user ( for initial deployment, you have to wait a bit for stand up ingress )
Cheers, Serkan Alguel