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Fastify Sentry plugin.


npm i @serdnam/fastify-sentry


The following enables forwarding any error that occurs during the request to Sentry:

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import { FastifySentry } from '@serdnam/fastify-sentry';

const server = Fastify({ logger: true });

server.register(FastifySentry, {
        sentryOptions: {
            dsn: "https://[email protected]/1",
            tracesSampleRate: 0.1,
            debug: false

server.register(async function route(fastify, options) {
    fastify.get('/', async function(req, reply) {
        return { status: `OK` };
}, { prefix: 'health' });

(async () => {
    try {
        await server.ready();
        await server.listen({ host: '', port: 4000 })
    } catch (err) {

The following captures and sends errors to Sentry as well, but also sets up a Sentry transaction for the duration of the request and child Spans for each Fastify hook defined in performance.hooks (Read the Configuration section for more details).

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import { FastifySentry } from '@serdnam/fastify-sentry';

const server = Fastify({ logger: true });

server.register(FastifySentry, {
    sentryOptions: {
        dsn: "https://[email protected]/1",
        tracesSampleRate: 0.1,
        debug: false
    performance: {
        hooks: [

server.register(async function route(fastify, options) {
    fastify.get('/', async function (req, reply) {
        return { status: `OK` };
}, { prefix: 'health' });

(async () => {
try {
    await server.ready();
    await server.listen({ host: '', port: 4000 })
} catch (err) {

You can also access the current request's Sentry Transaction object by using the Transaction getter, which you can obtain by using the getTx symbol. You can obtain the Sentry object itself by just importing it from this package.

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import Sentry, { FastifySentry, getTx } from '@serdnam/fastify-sentry';

const server = Fastify({ logger: true });

server.register(FastifySentry, {
        sentryOptions: {
            dsn: "https://[email protected]/1",
            tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
            debug: true
        performance: {
            hooks: [

server.addHook('onRequest', async function (req, rep) {
    const tx = req[getTx]();
    tx.setTag('hookKey', 'I am setting a tag in a Fastify hook!');

server.register(async function route(fastify, options) {
    fastify.get('/', async function(this, req, reply) {
        const tx = req[getTx]();
        tx.setTag('requestKey', 'I am setting a tag in a route handler!');
        return { status: `OK` };
}, { prefix: 'health' });

(async () => {
    try {
        await server.ready();
        await server.listen({ host: '', port: 4000 })
    } catch (err) {


This plugin expects the following options:

export interface FastifySentryOptions {
    sentryOptions: Sentry.NodeOptions,
    performance?: {
        hooks: string[],
    closeTimeout?: number
    captureException?: boolean
  • sentryOptions

This options object is passed to Sentry.init() as-is, check the Sentry documentation for more information about the options that can be passed here.

  • performance

Setting this object enables performance tracking by the plugin, creating a transaction on request and ending it on response. This also decorates the Fastify Request object with a helper that returns the current transaction.

  • performance.hooks

performance.hooks is an array of Fastify hook names. For each hook specified, this plugin creates a span during a request that starts at the beginning of the given hook phase and ends at the start of the next hook phase. For example, setting performance.hooks to


makes the plugin create a span within the main transaction that starts when the onRequest phase starts and ends when the preParsing starts (Read more about the Fastify request lifecycle here).

The onResponse hook is not supported.

  • captureException

When an error occurs, and if this option is set to true, this plugin will call Sentry.captureException() on the error and will then forward the error to the next error handler. This option is true by default.

  • closeTimeout

This parameter is passed as-is to the Sentry.close() method, see the Sentry documentation for more information about this method.


  • Provide an API for setting the hook tracing only on specific routes.
  • Integrate Breadcrumbs with Fastify's logging.
  • Allow greater control over when to stop the transaction?
  • Benchmarks


If you have any ideas, suggestions or improvements that could be made, leave an issue or a pull request!
