A tiny module to use a dictionary of Observables as a Store for React
The purpose here is not to provide an async middleware to a redux store with Observables, as redux-cycle-middleware and redux-observable do but to replace redux and its different slices (async middlewares, reducers and derived data) with Behavior Subjects. As this, we can express each variable of the store as a function of other variables, in a clean and async way.
This library only exposes a component Playground
(a store Provider) and a render props component Plug
npm i [email protected] [email protected] rxjs@6 @seracio/plugnplay
import { Plug, Playground } from '@seracio/plugnplay';
import React from 'react';
import { of, interval } from 'rxjs';
import { shareReplay, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';
// expose a dictionary of Observables (Behavior Subjects)
const store = {
hello$: of('hello').pipe(delay(250), shareReplay(1)),
count$: interval(1000).pipe(shareReplay(1))
<Playground store={store}>
<h1>My app</h1>
<Plug combinator={(store) => store.hello$}>
{(val) => (!!val ? <div>{val}</div> : <div>waiting...</div>)}
<p>Here is a counter:</p>
<Plug combinator={(store) => store.count$}>
{(val) => (!!val ? <div>{val}</div> : <div>waiting...</div>)}
The Playground
component is the equivalent of a redux Provider
type PlaygroundProps = {
store: { [key: string]: Observable };
children: JSX.Elements;
type PlugProps = {
combinator: (store) => Observable;
defaultValue?: any;
The combinator
props is a function that takes the dictionary store as param and returns the unique Observable we want to listen to.
This Observable can be:
- an Observable defined in the store
- a combination of multiple Obserables from the store (thanks to RX operators)
- a brand new Observble, unlinked to the store
The value of this Observable will be emitted through a render props function. Typically, you want them to be formated like props, but nothing mandatory here:
combinator={(store) =>
combineLatest(store.count$, store.val$).pipe(
map(([count, val]) => ({ count, val }))
{(props) => (!!props ? <MyComp {...props} /> : <Waiting />)}
As Observables are asynchronous by nature, you must provide a defaultValue if you want a synchronous rendering:
<Plug combinator={(store) => store.props$} defaultValue={{ count: 0, val: '' }}>
{(props) => <MyComp {...props} />}
Or you can use a Waiting component, as defaultValue is defined as null by default:
<Plug combinator={(store) => store.props$}>
{(props) => (!!props ? <MyComp {...props} /> : <Waiting />)}
yarn test --watch
Due to the namespace
npm publish --access=public