Papers from graphics conferences such as SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, and Pacific Graphics
Learning Temporal Coherence via Self-Supervision for GAN-Based Video Generation [code]SIGGRAPH2020
One Shot 3D Photography [code])SIGGRAPH2020
DeepMag: Source Specific Motion Magnification Using Gradient AscentSIGGRAPH2020
Portrait Shadow Manipulation [code]SIGGRAPH2020
Single Image HDR Reconstruction Using a CNN with Masked Features and Perceptual Loss [link]SIGGRAPH2020
Consistent Video Depth Estimation [link]SIGGRAPH2020
Human-in-the-Loop Differential Subspace Search in High-Dimensional Latent Space [link]SIGGRAPH2020
MichiGAN: Multi-Input-Conditioned Hair Image Generation for Portrait Editing [link][code]SIGGRAPH2020
Skeleton-Aware Networks for Deep Motion Retargeting [code]SIGGRAPH2020
Unpaired Motion Style Transfer from Video to Animation [code]SIGGRAPH2020
CARL: Controllable Agent with Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion [link]SIGGRAPH2020
Interactive Video Stylization Using Few-Shot Patch-Based Training [link][code]SIGGRAPH2020
Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination [link][code]SIGGRAPH2020
XNect: Real-time Multi-Person 3D Motion Capture with a Single RGB Camera [link]SIGGRAPH2020
RigNet: Neural Rigging for Articulated Characters [link][code]SIGGRAPH2020
Example-driven Virtual Cinematography by Learning Camera Behavior [link][code]SIGGRAPH2019
VR Facial Animation via Multiview Image Translation [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Hyperparameter Optimization in Black-box Image Processing using Differentiable Proxies [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Semantic Photo Manipulation With a Generative Image Prior [link]SIGGRAPH2019
TileGAN: Synthesis of Large-Scale Non-Homogeneous Textures [code]SIGGRAPH2019
Progressive Color Transfer with Dense Semantic Correspondences [link]SIGGRAPH2019
The Face of Art: Landmark Detection and Geometric Style in Portraits [link][code]SIGGRAPH2019
Distortion-Free Wide-Angle Portraits on Camera Phones [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Interactive and Automatic Navigation for 360° Video Playback [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Joint Stabilization and Direction of 360° Videos [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Text-based Editing of Talking-head Video[link]SIGGRAPH2019
Single Image Portrait Relighting [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Local Light Field Fusion: Practical View Synthesis with Prescriptive Sampling Guidelines [link] [code]SIGGRAPH2019
Multi-view Relighting using a Geometry-Aware Network [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Learning Character-Agnostic Motion for Motion Retargeting in 2D [link][code]SIGGRAPH2019
Synthetic Defocus and Look-Ahead Autofocus for Casual Videograph [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Video Extrapolation Using Neighboring Frames [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Physics-based Full-body Soccer Motion Control for Dribbling and Shooting [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Neural Rendering and Reenactment of Human Actor Videos [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Deferred Neural Rendering: Image Synthesis using Neural Textures [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Deep View Synthesis from Sparse Photometric Images [link]SIGGRAPH2019
Stylizing Video by Example [link]SIGGRAPH2018
Non-stationary Texture Synthesis by Adversarial Expansion [link][code]SIGGRAPH2018
Semantic Soft Segmentation [link]SIGGRAPH2018
Stereo Magnification: Learning View Synthesis using Multiplane Images [link]SIGGRAPH2018
Instant 3D Photography [link]SIGGRAPH2018
FaceShop: Deep Sketch-based Face Image Editing [link]SIGGRAPH2018
Deep Image-Based Relighting from Optimal Sparse Samples [link]SIGGRAPH2018
Deep Video Portraits [link]SIGGRAPH2018
ToonSynth: Example-Based Synthesis of Hand-Colored Cartoon Animations [link]SIGGRAPH2018
Robust Solving of Optical Motion Capture Data by Denoising [link]SIGGRAPH2018
MonoPerfCap: Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video [link]SIGGRAPH2017
Computational Video Editing for Dialogue-Driven Scenes [link]SIGGRAPH2017
Unmixing-Based Soft Color Segmentation for Image Manipulation [link]SIGGRAPH2017
Interactive High-Quality Green-Screen Keying via Color Unmixing [link]SIGGRAPH2016
Perspective-aware Manipulation of Portrait Photos [link]SIGGRAPH2014
3D Object Manipulation in a Single Photograph using Stock 3D Models[link][code]SIGGRAPH2010
Video Tapestries with Continuous Temporal Zoom [link]SIGGRAPH2006
Schematic Storyboarding for Video Visualization and Editing [link]SIGGRAPH2005
Interactive Video Cutout [link]
Layered Neural Rendering for Retiming People in Video [link][code]SIGASIA2020
Neural Crossbreed: Neural Based Image Metamorphosis [link]SIGASIA2020
Mononizing Binocular Videos [link]SIGASIA2020
MakeItTalk: Speaker-Aware Talking Head Animation [link]SIGASIA2020
Pixelor: A Competitive Sketching AI Agent. So you think you can beat me? [code]SIGASIA2020
Manga Filling with ScreenVAE [link]SIGASIA2020
Light Stage Super-Resolution: Continuous High-Frequency Relighting [link]SIGASIA2020
Egocentric Videoconferencing [lnik]SIGASIA2020
OmniPhotos: Casual 360° VR Photography [link][code]SIGASIA2020
Deep Relightable Textures: Volumetric Performance Capture With Neural Rendering [link]SIGASIA2020
X-Fields: Implicit Neural View-, Light- And Time-Image Interpolation [][code]SIGASIA2020
Face Disentanglement Via Latent Space MappingSIGASIA2020
PIE: Portrait Image Embedding For Semantic Control [link]SIGASIA2020
Single Image Portrait Relighting Via Explicit Multiple Reflectance Channel ModelingSIGASIA2020
MotioNet: 3D Human Motion Reconstruction from Monocular Video with Skeleton Consistency [link][code]SIGASIA2020
MoGlow: Probabilistic And Controllable Motion Synthesis Using Normalising FlowsSIGASIA2020
PhysCap: Physically Plausible Monocular 3D Motion Capture In Real Time [link]SIGASIA2020
Speech Gesture Generation From The Trimodal Context Of Text, Audio, And Speaker Identity [code]SIGASIA2020
Dynamic Facial Asset and Rig Generation from a Single Scan [link]SIGASIA2020
A Reduced-Precision Network For Image Reconstruction [link][code]SIGASIA2020
SketchPatch: Sketch Stylization Via Seamless Patch-Level SynthesisSIGASIA2020
Differentiable Vector Graphics Rasterization For Editing And Learning [link][code]SIGASIA2020
Complementary Dynamics [link]SIGASIA2020
Monster Mash: A Single-View Approach To Casual 3D Modeling And Animation [link]SIGASIA2020
MaterialGAN: Reflectance Capture Using A Generative SVBRDF Model [link][code]SIGASIA2020
Deferred Neural Lighting: Free-Viewpoint Relighting From Unstructured Photographs [link][code]SIGASIA2020
Continuous Curve Textures [link]SIGASIA2020
A Benchmark For Rough Sketch Cleanup [link]SIGASIA2019
Handheld Mobile Photography in Very Low Light [link]SIGASIA2019
Learning Efficient Illumination Multiplexing for Joint Capture of Reflectance and Shape [link]SIGASIA2019
Blind Image Super-Resolution with Spatially Variant Degradations [link] [code]SIGASIA2019
Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN [link][code]SIGASIA2019
Animating Landscape [link][code]SIGASIA2019
DeepRemaster [link][code]SIGASIA2019
Colorblind-Shareable Videos by Synthesizing Temporal-Coherent Polynomial Coefficients [link]SIGASIA2019
Neural Style-Preserving Visual Dubbing [link]SIGASIA2019
Deep Face Normalization [link]SIGASIA2019
Artistic Glyph Image Synthesis via One-Stage Few-Shot Learning [link][code]SIGASIA2019
A Novel Framework For Inverse Procedural Texture Modeling [link]SIGASIA2019
Write-A-Video: Computational Video Montage from Themed Text [link]SIGASIA2019
DReCon: Data-Driven Responsive Control of Physics-Based Characters [link]SIGASIA2019
Neural State Machine for Goal-Directed Character Control [code]SIGASIA2019
Deep Iterative Frame Interpolation for Full-frame Video Stabilization[link]SIGASIA2019
Language-based Colorization of Scene Sketches [code]SIGASIA2019
3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image [link]SIGASIA2019
LOGAN: Unpaired Shape Transform in Latent Overcomplete Space [link][code]SIGASIA2019
Multi-Style Generative Adversarial Terrain Amplification [code]SIGASIA2019
The Relightables: Volumetric Performance Capture of Humans with Realistic Relighting [link]SIGASIA2019
An Integrated 6DoF Video Camera and System Design [link]SIGASIA2013
WYSIWYG Computational Photography via Viewfinder Editing [link]
Generic Interactive Pixel-Level Image Editing [link]PG2019
Imitating Popular Photos to Select Views for an Indoor Scene [link]PG2019
Learning to Trace: Expressive Line Drawing Generation from Photographs [link]PG2019
Learning Explicit Smoothing Kernels for Joint Image Filtering [link]PG2019
Dual Illumination Estimation for Robust Exposure Correction [link]PG2019
Specular Highlight Removal for Real-World Images [link]PG2019
Naturalness-Preserving Image Tone Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Networks [link]PG2019
Shadow Inpainting and Removal Using Generative ADversarial Netowrks with Slice Convolutions [link]PG2019
Two-Phase Hair Image Synthesis by Self-Enhancing Generative Model [link]PG2019
Unsupervised Desnse Light Field Reconstruction with Occlusion Awareness [link]PG2019
Learning to Paint using Self-Supervised LEarning [link]PG2019
Style Mixser: Semantic-Aware Multi-Style Mixing Network [link]PG2019
A Color-Pair Based Approach For Accurate Color Harmony Estimation [link]PG2019
Deep Video-Based Performance Synthesis from Sparse Multi-View Capture [link]PG2019
Appearance Flow Completion for Novel View Synthesis [link]PG2019
Learning to Predict Image-Based Rendering Artifacts with Respect to a Hidden Reference Image[link]PG2019
Image Composition of Partially Occluded Objects [link]PG2019
A PatchMatch-Based Approach for Matte PRopagation in Videos [link]PG2019
ShutterApp: Spatio-Temporal Exposure Control for Videos [link]
PaintersView: Automatic Suggestion of Optimal Viewpoints for 3D Texture Painting [link]SATB2019
The Potential of Light Fields in Media Productions [link]SATB2019
Unpaired Sketch-to-Line Translation via Synthesis of Sketches [link]SATB2019
Interactive editing of performance-based facial animation [link]SATB2019
Piku Piku Interpolation [link]SATB2019
A Decomposition Method of Object Transfiguration [link]SATB2019
Structure-Aware Image Expansion with Global Attention [link]
- A Survey on Data-Driven Video Completion
- State of the Art Report on Video-Based Graphics and Video Visualization
- A Comparative Review of Tone-Mapping Algorithms for High Dynamic Range Video
- Intrinsic Decompositions for Image Editing
- The State of the Art in Integrating Machine Learning into Visual Analytics
- A Comprehensive Survey on Sampling-Based Image Matting