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IPMI Java Client

GitHub release (with filter) Build GitHub top language License

This project is a fork of the excellent IPMI Library for Java by Verax Systems (see also). It is however not related to another fork by rbuckland.

See Project Documentation and the Javadoc for more information on how to use this library in your code.

The IPMI Java Client is a library that communicates with the IPMI host, fetches Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) and Sensors information then reports these information as a text output.

Build instructions

This is a simple Maven project. Build with:

mvn verify

Release instructions

The artifact is deployed to Sonatype's Maven Central.

The actual repository URL is, with server Id ossrh and requires credentials to deploy artifacts manually.

But it is strongly recommended to only use GitHub Actions "Release to Maven Central" to perform a release:

  • Manually trigger the "Release" workflow
  • Specify the version being released and the next version number (SNAPSHOT)
  • Release the corresponding staging repository on Sonatype's Nexus server
  • Merge the PR that has been created to prepare the next version


License is GNU General Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 3.0. Each source file includes the LGPL-3 header (build will fail otherwise). To update source files with the proper header, simply execute the below command:

mvn license:update-file-header