New Features
- 🎉 WebSerial Flasher is launched! Flash firmware without exiting your browser on our Documentation website
- Reformat output arrays and add comments about them by @sanjay900 in #21:
Configuration array now visually resembles the location of the motor on the device - Simpler configuration of
pins by @leon0399 in #27:
Setting up pins is no longer required- ledcSetup(3, 60, 12); - ledcAttachPin(26, 3);
- Core changes to architecture by @leon0399 in #24
- Connection is now part of the Core:
BHapticsBLEConnection* bhBleConnection = new BHapticsBLEConnection(BLUETOOTH_NAME, vestMotorTransformer); - App.registerComponent(bhBleConnection); + App.setConnection(bhBleConnection);
- Separated Output layout (
) and Output strategy (closest, interpolate)
- Connection is now part of the Core:
- Added link to X40 vest hardware schematic
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.2.0