If you're building an awesome web app, there's a lot that you can do - audio, video, 3D, realtime.
But there's one thing you largely can't do: fetch data from anywhere in the internet. Thanks to the XMLHttpRequest same-origin policy, you can only make requests to your own server, or to servers which specifically allowed you to do so.
GetJSON solves this.
The API is just one GET method.
Pass in the URL you want to fetch and the callback function name for JSONP requests. The result will be a JSON-encoded text string containing the fetched content.
Optionally, you can specify type=json parameter, which will return the decoded JSON object instead of the string value. For this, the original data to be fetched must be JSON as well.
Copyright © 2011. by Dobar Kod d.o.o. Written by Senko Rašić (@senkorasic). GetJSON is open source and is licensed under a MIT-style license.
Uses Node.js, Express.js, Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery.