Load data against tree-like schema
When exporting data to the user, apart from exporting entities directly, we need to compose different associated entities to form a compound before sending it out. Asynchorous loading those associations while composing them into a tree, is not only tedious, but error-prone. So we borrowed the idea from GraphQL, using a predefined schema to describe the whole process, and let the framework to finish the dirty work.
Schema is a tree composed by various Node. Each node, defined through a object in Definition, represents an object, an array of object or a property in the final Document.
We can define a schema using Schema.fromDefinition(definition)
as following
const userSchema = Schema.fromDefinition({
firstName: field('first_name'),
lastName: field('last_name'),
gender: field(),
name: {
__resolver__: (parent, info) => [parent.first_name, parent.last_name].join(' ')
avatar: {
__resolver__: (parent, info) => batch(loadImage, [parent.avatar_id], (images) => images[parent.avatar_id])
or extend an existing schema
const userSchemaWithFriends = Schema.extend(userSchema, {
friends: Schema.extend(userSchema, {
__resolver__: (parent, info) => loadFriends(parent.user_id)
After defining a schema, we can resolve schema to document using resolve(schema, rootValue, ?options): Promise
the rootValue can be a object or an Promise resolves to a target object.
if we have a user defined as:
let user = {
first_name: 'Jim',
last_name: 'Green',
gender: 'male',
avatar: 1
resolving the user against userSchema
as resolve(userSchema, user).then((document) => console.log(document))
, we will
firstName: 'Jim',
lastName: 'Green',
name: 'Jim Green',
gender: 'male',
avatar: 'http://www.example.com/avatars/1.png'