🆕 核心变更 🎉
- 【功能】secretpad arm & amd 镜像构建,mvp 包支持 arm & amd
- 【功能】画布支持 SecretFlow 1.6.0变动: pvalue 评估支持 GLM 模型、onehot 支持丢弃众数列、LR 训练组件增加输出权重选项、增加数据集垂直 union 算子、psi 版本升级等
- 【功能】画布任务并行值配置
- 【功能】前端展示隐语各组件版本
- 【功能】集成阿里云 SLS,web 界面展示 SLS 各组件详细日志
- 【功能】secretpad 版本升级数据保留
- 【功能】serving 在线预测发布时可指定系统资源 cpu、内存
- 【功能】新增平台组件线性模型参数修改(目前支持 glm 模型修改)
- http-data-add view 增加 tooltip 文案提示
- 解决断点续传继续执行按钮初次不展示问题
- 调整线性模型修改组件 float32 值范围
- 解决 case when、group by 组件面板接口重复请求问题
- 更新 circle ci 配置:限制 pnpm 版本,仅限 main 分支执行
🆕 Main Changes 🎉
[Feature] Secretpad arm & amd image builds, MVP package supports arm & amd.
[Feature] Canvas supports changes in SecretFlow 1.6.0: support for GLM model in pvalue evaluation, onehot encoding supports dropping the mode column, LR training components add an option to output weights, addition of vertical union operator for datasets, psi version upgrade, etc.
[Feature] Canvas task parallel value configuration.
[Feature] Front-end display of Secretpad component versions.
[Feature] Integration with Alibaba Cloud SLS to display detailed logs of SLS components on the web interface.
[Feature] Secretpad version upgrade data retention.
[Feature] Serving online prediction release can specify system resources CPU, memory.
[Feature] Addition of platform component linear model parameter modification (currently supports modification of glm model).
Some refactor:
- Add tooltip text prompts to the http-data-add view.
- Fix the issue where the "Continue Execution" button does not display at first.
- Adjust the float32 value range in the linear model edit component.
- Resolve the issue of repeated API requests in the case when, group by component panels.
- Update CircleCI configuration: limit the pnpm version and only execute on the main branch.