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Bootstrapping Survey Templates

Chad Burt edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 1 revision

All new surveys must be created from a template. The user may choose a particular template (WIP feature), but otherwise the system will default to a template named Basic Template. Database migrations will not create this template since doing so relies on having the app populated with user accounts and a project that this template can belong to. These could change among deployments so they are not automated.

Creating a Project for the Template

You should choose a project that all superuser user types can access and use to manage these sorts of shared content. Easiest is to create a project name/slugged "superuser" manually using the user interface. Keep it admins-only and unlisted.

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Create the initial Basic Template

For this you will need to connect to the production database and manually run queries. Use the npm run shell command from the infra/ package.

Be sure to update project_id to what's appropriate for you deployment!

do $$
    declare survey_id int;
    declare form_id int;
    declare project_id int;
        project_id = 16;
        insert into surveys (project_id, name) values (project_id, 'Basic Template') returning id into survey_id;
        insert into forms (survey_id) values (survey_id) returning id into form_id;
        update forms set is_template = true, template_type = 'SURVEYS', template_name = 'Basic Template' where id = form_id;
        insert into form_elements (form_id, component_settings, type_id, body) values (form_id, '{"beginButtonText": "Begin"}'::jsonb, 'WelcomeMessage', '{"type": "doc", "content": [{"type": "heading", "attrs": {"level": 1}, "content": [{"text": "Welcome to the Survey", "type": "text"}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "content": [{"text": "Please describe your survey to potential respondents here.", "type": "text"}]}]}'::jsonb);
        insert into form_elements (form_id, component_settings, type_id, body) values (form_id, '{}'::jsonb, 'ShortText', '{"type": "doc", "content": [{"type": "question"}]}'::jsonb);