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@twelch twelch released this 25 Sep 18:59
· 62 commits to dev since this release

What's Changed

Running upgrade on your project will:

  • Install and configure Prettier along with a new lint-staged command. If you are using VSCode you should already have the Prettier extension installed but this addition makes formatting rules consistent across developer machines and will auto-format all staged files on commit if not already.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • Separate worker stacks and lock functions to one stack solving thrashing issue causing Duplicate resource error on deploy by @twelch in #353
  • Require explicit registration of worker functions, fix CDK circular dependency error by @twelch in #352

To register workers used by a geoprocessing function, simply pass a workers option to your GeoprocessingHandler with a list of the worker titles.

export default new GeoprocessingHandler(kelpPersist, {
  title: "boundaryOverlap",
  description: "boundary overlap",
  executionMode: "async",
  workers: ['boundaryOverlapWorker']

The architecture has changed from beta.7 for nested LambdaStacks. Worker functions are now deployed to separate stacks than non-workers. This should allow multiple geoprocessing functions to register and use the same worker without issue.

Upgrade will require destroying your deployed project first. Steps in order include:

  • npm run upgrade
  • npm run destroy
  • npm run build && npm run deploy
  • npm run publish:data

🚀 New Feature / Improvement

  • Support childProperties for SketchCollection by @twelch in #341

🐛 Bug Fix

  • npm run url command now properly outputs all service URLs and bucket names used by the project for easy reference.
  • Fix clear-all-results command. Add retry to dynamodb bulk delete resolving ThroughputError, break out helper functions by @twelch in #344

🏠 Internal

  • Disable task cache for worker lambdas by default, improve logging by @twelch in #342
  • Add support for ESLint and Prettier by @twelch in #348

Full Changelog: v7.0.0-beta.7...v7.0.0-beta.8