An Azure Blob transport for winston3
$ npm install winston
$ npm install winston3-azureblob-transport
var winston = require("winston");
var azureBlobTransport = require("winston3-azureblob-transport");
var logger = winston.createLogger({
format: winston.format.combine(
transports: [
new (azureBlobTransport)({
account: {
name: "Azure storage account sub domain ([A-Za-z0-9])",
key: "The long Azure storage secret key"
containerName: "A container name",
blobName: "The name of the blob",
level: "info",
bufferLogSize : 1,
syncTimeout : 0,
rotatePeriod : "",
eol : "\n"
The AzureBlob transport accepts the following options :
- level: Level of messages that this transport should log (defaults to
). - The name of the Windows Azure storage account to use
- account.key: The access key used to authenticate into this storage account
- blobName: The name of the blob to log.
- containerName: The container which will contain the logs.
- eol: The character append to each log (By default a carriage return)
- rotatePeriod: A moment format ex : YYYY-MM-DD will generate blobName.2000.01.01
- bufferLogSize: A minimum number of logs before sync the blob, set to 1 if you want sync at each log.
- syncTimeout: The maximum time between two sync, set to zero if you don't want