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Set up debugging with CMAKE

Allen A. Babb edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 1 revision

CMAKE itself can't do debugging, but there are a number of options in it that can make setup with your IDE of choice go a bit quicker.

Ungrouped Entries

  • EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH - This is where the binaries built with your IDE of choice will be initially saved
  • CLANG_TIDY_EXE - This is where your CLANG_TIDY executable is, if installed


  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Directory where the install project will copy the executable to


  • ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY - If true, allow your IDE to use the CLANG_TIDY tools. Must have CLANG and CLANG TIDY installed before using. Must have CLANG_TIDY_EXE within Ungrouped Entries specified


  • FSO_RUN_ARGUMENTS - These are the default commandline options passed to FSO during a debug session launched by your IDE. Recommended options are -window and -res 1024x768 to allow debugging in windowed mode so you can keep an eye on both FSO and the IDE