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m!m edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 19 revisions

The FreeSpace Open source code is licensed under the following clause:

All source code herein is the property of Volition, Inc. You may not sell or otherwise
commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source.

This licence is not considered an Open Source licence and should be considered proprietary when considering compatibility with open source licences.

DISCLAIMER: This document was written by a coder and only exists to establish a set of guidelines. It is not legally binding or anything like that.

Compatibility with licences of other libraries


Our licence is not compatible with GPL which means that libraries only available under GPL cannot be used in FSO.


If FSO dynamically links to a library (.so, .dll) licensed under LGPL is should be considered "work that uses the Library" which means that the library can be used. Statically linking should also be possible as we do provide the source code of FSO.


It should be possible to use libraries which are licensed under one of these two licences without restriction (BSD has a few but nothing that should affect us).