This is a minor release from v0.4.4 → v0.5.0.
- revert: Allow 0-dimensional shape tensors (#972)
- feat: Add precision setting string API to set_backend (#983)
- docs: Replace optimizer table with list (#985)
- refactor: Optimizer API harmonization, minuit autodifferentiation support (#951)
- fix: Enable for axis !=0 (#976)
- chore: Set minimum version for iminuit to v1.4.3 (#975)
- docs: Add 2020 ATLAS Induction Day and PyHEP 2020 tutorials (#967)
- fix: Protect against missing JAX imports (#968)
- refactor: Use AsymptoticTestStatDistribution.expected_value API in hypotest for better integration (#962)
- docs: Clarify role of return_fitted_val kwarg for fit and fixed_poi_fit (#961)
- docs: Clarify objective function in infer.mle (#960)
- feat: support no POI (#950)
- docs: Add hepdata_like model API to docs (#937)
- docs: Fix CLs wrapping and add shorter URL (#941)
- feat: Enable shell completion (#919)
- docs: Add examples of good contributions to CONTRIBUTING (#938)
- docs: Add TRExFitter babel translation (#931)
- docs: Unrestrict Sphinx from v3.0.X releases (#933)
- chore: Future proof release against uproot4 API changes (#930)
- fix: Change p-value calculation from 1-cdf(x) to cdf(-x) (#902)
- revert: Rollback constraints on cloudpickle given TFP v0.10.1 release (#924)
- fix: Set backend global states correctly (#922)
- feat: Single precision setting for backends (#914)
- ci: Run Docker test on tag pushes to avoid breaking CI (#917)