(the usage of this shim
is now considered deprecated. The underlying libraries should be used directly.
noj is a new librray to combine several of these librraies, without remapping the namespaces.
All documenttaion stays valid when using libraries directly or via noj, except for the namespaces in use.)
Main features:
- Harmonized and idiomatic use of various classification, regression and unsupervised models
- Supports creation of machine learning pipelines as-data
- Includes easy-to-use, sophisticated cross-validations of pipelines
- Includes most important data transformation for data preprocessing
- Experiment tracking can be added by the user via a callback mechanism
- Open architecture to allow to plugin any potential ML model, even in non-JVM languages, including deep learning
- Based on well established Clojure/Java Data Science libraries
- tech.ml.dataset for very efficient underlying data storage
- Smile for ML models
- metamorph.ml as foundation of higher level ML functions (former: tech.ml )
{scicloj/scicloj.ml {:mvn/version "0.3"}}}
(require '[scicloj.ml.core :as ml]
'[scicloj.ml.metamorph :as mm]
'[scicloj.ml.dataset :as ds])
;; read train and test datasets
(def titanic-train
(ds/dataset "https://github.com/scicloj/metamorph-examples/raw/main/data/titanic/train.csv" {:key-fn keyword :parser-fn :string}))
(def titanic-test
(-> "https://github.com/scicloj/metamorph-examples/raw/main/data/titanic/test.csv"
(ds/dataset {:key-fn keyword :parser-fn :string})
(ds/add-column :Survived [""] :cycle)))
;; construct pipeline function including Logistic Regression model
(def pipe-fn
(mm/select-columns [:Survived :Pclass ])
(mm/add-column :Survived (fn [ds] (map #(case % "1" "yes" "0" "no" nil "") (:Survived ds))))
(mm/categorical->number [:Survived :Pclass])
(mm/set-inference-target :Survived)
{:metamorph/id :model}
(mm/model {:model-type :smile.classification/logistic-regression})))
;; execute pipeline with train data including model in mode :fit
(def trained-ctx
(pipe-fn {:metamorph/data titanic-train
:metamorph/mode :fit}))
;; execute pipeline in mode :transform with test data which will do a prediction
(def test-ctx
(assoc trained-ctx
:metamorph/data titanic-test
:metamorph/mode :transform)))
;; extract prediction from pipeline function result
(-> test-ctx :metamorph/data
(ds/column-values->categorical :Survived))
;; => #tech.v3.dataset.column<string>[418]
;; :Survived
;; [no, no, yes, no, no, no, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, no, yes, yes, no, no, no...]
For support use Clojurians on Zulip:
or on Clojurians Slack:
Full documentation is here as userguides
API documentation: https://scicloj.github.io/scicloj.ml
This library itself is a shim, not containing any functions.
The code is present in the following repositories, and the functions get re-exported in scicloj.ml
in a
small number of namespaces for user convenience.
- https://github.com/techascent/tech.ml
- https://github.com/scicloj/tablecloth
- https://github.com/scicloj/metamorph
- https://github.com/scicloj/metamorph.ml
- https://github.com/techascent/tech.ml.dataset
- https://github.com/scicloj/scicloj.ml.smile
- https://github.com/scicloj/scicloj.ml.xgboost
- https://github.com/haifengl/smile
Scicloj.ml organises the existing code in 3 namespaces, as following:
Functions are re-exported from:
- scicloj.metamorph.ml.*
- scicloj.metamorph.core
All functions in this ns take a dataset as first argument. The functions are re-exported from:
- tabecloth.api
- tech.v3.dataset.modelling
- tech.v3.dataset.column-filters
All functions in this ns take a metamorph context as first argument, so can directly be used in metamorph pipelines. The functions are re-exported from:
- tablecloth.pipeline
- tech.v3.libs.smile.metamorph
- scicloj.metamorph.ml
- tech.v3.dataset.metamorph
In case you are already familar with any of the original namespaces, they can of course be used directly as well:
(require '[tablecloth.api :as tc])
(tc/add-column ...)
scicloj.ml can be easely extended by plugins, which contribute models or other algorithms. By now the following plugins exist:
- Builtin: scicloj.ml.smile
- Builtin: scicloj.ml.xgboost
- All sklearn models: sklearn.clj
- top2vec model: scicloj.ml.top2vec
- crf A NER model from
- clj-djl Use fasttext model from djl