Powerful object data storage and querying for collaborative web apps.
The PHP implementation of Nymph/Tilmeld has been deprecated. It will no longer have any new features added. Instead, a new version of Nymph running on Node.js, written entirely in TypeScript will replace the PHP implementation. You can find it over at the Nymph.js repo.
The fastest way to start building a Nymph app is with the Nymph App Template.
npm install --save nymph-client
This repository is the JavaScript client for browsers. You can find UMD in dist
, or ES modules in src
. There is also a Node.js client. For more information, you can see the main Nymph repository.
<!-- Nymph setup -->
NymphOptions = {
restURL: 'https://yournymphrestserver/path/to/your/rest.php',
pubsubURL: 'wss://yournymphpubsubserver',
<!-- End Nymph setup -->
<!-- Old school JS -->
<script src="node_modules/nymph-client/dist/NymphClient.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/your/entity/js/Todo.js"></script>
<!-- End Old school JS -->
When you use Babel, you can add the @babel/plugin-transform-classes
plugin to properly extend the Error
class. Nymph throws error classes that extend this class.
"plugins": [
["@babel/transform-classes", {
"builtins": ["Error"]
For detailed docs, check out the wiki:
Here's an overview:
import { Nymph, PubSub } from 'nymph-client';
import Todo from 'Todo';
// Now you can use Nymph and PubSub.
const myTodo = new Todo();
myTodo.name = 'This is a new todo!';
myTodo.done = false;
await myTodo.$save();
let subscription = myTodo.$subscribe(() => {
// When this is called, the entity will already contain new data from the
// publish event. If the entity is deleted, the GUID will be set to null.
if (myTodo.guid != null) {
alert('Somebody touched my todo!');
} else {
alert('Somebody deleted my todo!');
// ...
// Subscribing to a query.
let todos = [];
let userCount = 0;
let subscription = Nymph.getEntities(
class: Todo.class,
type: '&',
'!tag': 'archived',
newTodos => {
// The first time this is called, newTodos will be an array of Todo entities.
// After that, newTodos will be a publish event object.
// This takes an existing array of entities and either updates it to match
// another array, or performs actions from a publish event object to update
// it.
PubSub.updateArray(todos, newTodos);
// `todos` is now up to date with the latest publishes from the server.
err => alert(err),
count => {
// If you provide this callback, the server will send updates of how many
// clients are subscribed to this query.
userCount = count;
// ...
// Remember to clean up your subscriptions when you no longer need them.
For a thorough step by step guide to setting up Nymph on your own server, visit the Setup Guide.
Check out the API Docs in the wiki.