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Sbromberger/new shortest paths (#1242)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* first cut at aggregation

* abstractified paths

* bellman-ford

* A*, and removing getproperty

* floyd-warshall

* D'Esopo-Pape

* submodule strategy

* export ShortestPaths

* Update src/Experimental/ShortestPaths/ShortestPaths.jl

Co-Authored-By: Mathieu Besançon <[email protected]>

* Johnson

* spfa and bfs

* Update johnson.jl (#1241)

clean up docs for johnson

* tests

* failing tests

* fixed tests

* dijksta/desopo and more tests

* Result

* tests

* docs

* distmx is not untyped.

* exports and doc fix

* doc updates

* DFS algorithm

* refactor BFS shortest paths for NOOPSort
  • Loading branch information
sbromberger authored Aug 16, 2019
1 parent 9bfe1f6 commit ac7523a
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,615 additions and 3 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Experimental/Experimental.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ export description,
VF2, vf2, IsomorphismProblem, SubgraphIsomorphismProblem, InducedSubgraphIsomorphismProblem,
could_have_isomorph, has_isomorph, all_isomorph, count_isomorph,
has_induced_subgraphisomorph, count_induced_subgraphisomorph, all_induced_subgraphisomorph,
has_subgraphisomorph, count_subgraphisomorph, all_subgraphisomorph
has_subgraphisomorph, count_subgraphisomorph, all_subgraphisomorph,

description() = "This module contains experimental graph functions."

include("vf2.jl") # Julian implementation of VF2 algorithm

203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions src/Experimental/ShortestPaths/ShortestPaths.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
module ShortestPaths
using SparseArrays: sparse
using LightGraphs
using LightGraphs: AbstractGraph, AbstractEdge
using LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs: AbstractSimpleGraph

using DataStructures:PriorityQueue, enqueue!, dequeue!

# TODO: figure out how we keep environmental params.
# struct LGEnvironment
# threaded::Bool
# parallel::Bool
# LGEnvironment() = new(false, false)
# end

abstract type AbstractGraphResult end
abstract type AbstractGraphAlgorithm end

ShortestPathResult <: AbstractGraphResult
Concrete subtypes of `ShortestPathResult` contain the
results of a shortest-path calculation using a specific
In general, the fields in these structs should not be
accessed directly; use the [`dists`](@ref) and
[`paths`](@ref) functions to obtain the results of the
abstract type ShortestPathResult <: AbstractGraphResult end

ShortestPathAlgorithm <: AbstractGraphAlgorithm
Concrete subtypes of `ShortestPathAlgorithm` are used to specify
the type of shortest path calculation used by [`shortest_paths`](@ref).
Some concrete subtypes (most notably [`Dijkstra`](@ref) have fields
that specify algorithm parameters.
See [`AStar`](@ref), [`BellmanFord`](@ref), [`BFS`](@ref),
[`DEspopoPape`](@ref), [`Dijkstra`](@ref), [`FloydWarshall`](@ref),
[`Johnson`](@ref), and [`SPFA`](@ref) for specific requirements and
usage details.
abstract type ShortestPathAlgorithm <: AbstractGraphAlgorithm end


# Shortest Paths via algorithm #
# if we don't pass in distances but specify an algorithm, use weights.
shortest_paths(g, s, distmx, alg)
shortest_paths(g, s, t, alg)
shortest_paths(g, s, alg)
shortest_paths(g, s)
Return a `ShortestPathResult` that allows construction of the shortest path
between sets of vertices in graph `g`. Depending on the algorithm specified,
other information may be required: (e.g., a distance matrix `distmx`, and/or
a target vertex `t`). Some algorithms will accept multiple source vertices
`s`; algorithms that do not accept any source vertex `s` produce all-pairs
shortest paths.
See `ShortestPathAlgorithm` for more details on the algorithm specifications.
### Implementation Notes
The elements of `distmx` may be of any type that has a [Total Ordering](
and valid comparator, `zero` and `typemax` functions. Concretely, this means that
distance matrices containing complex numbers are invalid.
### Examples
g = path_graph(4)
w = zeros(4, 4)
for i in 1:3
w[i, i+1] = 1.0
w[i+1, i] = 1.0
s1 = shortest_paths(g) # `alg` defaults to `FloydWarshall`
s2 = shortest_paths(g, 1) # `alg` defaults to `BFS`
s3 = shortest_paths(g, 1, w) # `alg` defaults to `Dijkstra`
s4 = shortest_paths(g, 1, BellmanFord())
s5 = shortest_paths(g, 1, w, DEsopoPape())
shortest_paths(g::AbstractGraph, s, alg::ShortestPathAlgorithm) =
shortest_paths(g, s, weights(g), alg)

# If we don't specify an algorithm AND there are no dists, use BFS.
shortest_paths(g::AbstractGraph{T}, s::Integer) where {T<:Integer} = shortest_paths(g, s, BFS())
shortest_paths(g::AbstractGraph{T}, ss::AbstractVector) where {T<:Integer} = shortest_paths(g, ss, BFS())

# Full-formed methods.
paths(state[, v])
paths(state[, vs])
paths(state[, v, d]))
Given the output of a [`shortest_paths`](@ref) calculation of type
[`ShortestPathResult`](@ref), return a vector (indexed by vertex)
of the paths between the source vertex used to compute the shortest path
and a single destination vertex `v`, a vector of destination vertices `vs`,
or the entire graph.
For multiple destination vertices, each path is represented by a vector of
vertices on the path between the source and the destination. Nonexistent
paths will be indicated by an empty vector. For single destinations, the
path is represented by a single vector of vertices, and will be length 0
if the path does not exist.
For [`ShortestPathAlgorithm`](@ref)s that compute all shortest paths for all
pairs of vertices, `paths(state)` will return a vector (indexed by source
vertex) of vectors (indexed by destination vertex) of paths. `paths(state, v)`
will return a vector (indexed by destination vertex) of paths from source `v`
to all other vertices. In addition, `paths(state, v, d)` will return a vector
representing the path from vertex `v` to vertex `d`.
function paths(state::ShortestPathResult, vs::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
parents = state.parents
T = eltype(parents)

num_vs = length(vs)
all_paths = Vector{Vector{T}}(undef, num_vs)
for i = 1:num_vs
all_paths[i] = Vector{T}()
index = T(vs[i])
if parents[index] != 0 || parents[index] == index
while parents[index] != 0
pushfirst!(all_paths[i], index)
index = parents[index]
pushfirst!(all_paths[i], index)
return all_paths

paths(state::ShortestPathResult, v::Integer) = paths(state, [v])[1]
paths(state::ShortestPathResult) = paths(state, [1:length(state.parents);])

dists(state[, v])
Given the output of a [`shortest_paths`](@ref) calculation of type
[`ShortestPathResult`](@ref), return a vector (indexed by vertex)
of the distances between the source vertex used to compute the
shortest path and a single destination vertex `v` or the entire graph.
For [`ShortestPathAlgorithm`](@ref)s that compute all-pairs shortest
paths, `dists(state)` will return a matrix (indexed by source and destination
vertices) of distances.
dists(state::ShortestPathResult, v::Integer) = state.dists[v]
dists(state::ShortestPathResult) = state.dists

has_negative_weight_cycle(g[, distmx=weights(g), alg=BellmanFord()])
Given a graph `g`, an optional distance matrix `distmx`, and an optional
algorithm `alg` (one of [`BellmanFord`](@ref) or [`SPFA`](@ref)), return
`true` if any cycle detected in the graph has a negative weight.
# Examples
julia> g = complete_graph(3);
julia> d = [1 -3 1; -3 1 1; 1 1 1];
julia> has_negative_weight_cycle(g, d)
julia> g = complete_graph(4);
julia> d = [1 1 -1 1; 1 1 -1 1; 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1];
julia> has_negative_weight_cycle(g, d, SPFA())
has_negative_weight_cycle(g::AbstractGraph, distmx::AbstractMatrix=weights(g)) = has_negative_weight_cycle(g, distmx, BellmanFord())
has_negative_weight_cycle(g::AbstractSimpleGraph) = false

export ShortestPathAlgorithm
export paths, dists, shortest_paths, has_negative_weight_cycle
export Dijkstra, AStar, BellmanFord, FloydWarshall, DEsopoPape, Johnson, SPFA, BFS
export NegativeCycleError

end # module
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions src/Experimental/ShortestPaths/astar.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# Parts of this code were taken / derived from Graphs.jl. See LICENSE for
# licensing details.

# A* shortest-path algorithm

struct AStar <: ShortestPathAlgorithm
The structure used to configure and specify that [`shortest_paths`](@ref)
should use the [A* search algorithm](
An optional `heuristic` function may be supplied. If missing, the heuristic is set to
`n -> 0`.
### Implementation Notes
`AStar` supports the following shortest-path functionality:
- non-negative distance matrices / weights
- single destination
struct AStar{F<:Function} <: ShortestPathAlgorithm

AStar(T::Type=Float64) = AStar(n -> zero(T))

struct AStarResult{T, U<:Integer} <: ShortestPathResult

function reconstruct_path!(total_path, # a vector to be filled with the shortest path
came_from, # a vector holding the parent of each node in the A* exploration
end_idx, # the end vertex
g) # the graph

curr_idx = end_idx
while came_from[curr_idx] != curr_idx
pushfirst!(total_path, came_from[curr_idx])
curr_idx = came_from[curr_idx]
push!(total_path, end_idx)

function a_star_impl!(g, # the graph
goal, # the end vertex
open_set, # an initialized heap containing the active vertices
closed_set, # an (initialized) color-map to indicate status of vertices
g_score, # a vector holding g scores for each node
f_score, # a vector holding f scores for each node
came_from, # a vector holding the parent of each node in the A* exploration

T = eltype(g)
total_path = Vector{T}()

@inbounds while !isempty(open_set)
current = dequeue!(open_set)

if current == goal
reconstruct_path!(total_path, came_from, current, g)
return total_path

closed_set[current] = true

for neighbor in outneighbors(g, current)
closed_set[neighbor] && continue

tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + distmx[current, neighbor]

if tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]
g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
priority = tentative_g_score + heuristic(neighbor)
enqueue!(open_set, neighbor, priority)
came_from[neighbor] = current
return total_path

function calc_dist(path, distmx)
T = eltype(distmx)
isempty(path) && return typemax(T)
rest_of_path = copy(path)
dist = zero(T)
u = pop!(rest_of_path)
while !isempty(rest_of_path)
v = pop!(rest_of_path)
dist += distmx[u, v]
u = v
return dist

function shortest_paths(g::AbstractGraph, s::Integer, t::Integer, distmx::AbstractMatrix, alg::AStar)
T = eltype(distmx)

# if we do checkbounds here, we can use @inbounds in a_star_impl!
checkbounds(distmx, Base.OneTo(nv(g)), Base.OneTo(nv(g)))

open_set = PriorityQueue{Integer, T}()
enqueue!(open_set, s, 0)

closed_set = zeros(Bool, nv(g))

g_score = fill(Inf, nv(g))
g_score[s] = 0

f_score = fill(Inf, nv(g))
f_score[s] = alg.heuristic(s)

came_from = -ones(Integer, nv(g))
came_from[s] = s

path = a_star_impl!(g, t, open_set, closed_set, g_score, f_score, came_from, distmx, alg.heuristic)
return AStarResult(path, calc_dist(path, distmx))

shortest_paths(g::AbstractGraph, s::Integer, t::Integer, alg::AStar) = shortest_paths(g, s, t, weights(g), alg)
paths(s::AStarResult) = [s.path]
paths(s::AStarResult, v::Integer) = throw(ArgumentError("AStar produces at most one path."))
dists(s::AStarResult) = [[s.dist]]
dists(s::AStarResult, v::Integer) = throw(ArgumentError("AStar produces at most one path."))


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