Boardinator is task management software used by Santa Barbara Hackerspace to help our Board coordinate more goodly.
Boardinator tracks which tasks our Board members have been assigned and have assigned to other members of the 'space, then does useful things with that information (e.g., sends reminder emails to the assignee, emails the Board when a task is not completed on time, etc).
The following instructions are for Postgres 8.4 and 9.1, and should be almost identical for newer versions.
sudo su postgres -c psql < db_setup.sql
curl -X POST -d \
'{"name": "Boardinator MVP", "due_date": "2014-03-22T17:30:00-07:00", "assignee": "[email protected]", "description": "Finish API Task creation"}' \
TODO: PUT should include the full Task, and the PATCH HTTP verb should be used for partial updates such as this one:
curl -X PUT -d '{"completed":true}' http://localhost:6060/api/tasks/49ebc56f-dfdb-4a11-4d9c-d83d488f987a
curl -X GET http://localhost:6060/api/tasks/49ebc56f-dfdb-4a11-4d9c-d83d488f987a
or simply
curl http://localhost:6060/api/tasks/49ebc56f-dfdb-4a11-4d9c-d83d488f987a
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:6060/api/tasks/49ebc56f-dfdb-4a11-4d9c-d83d488f987a
Visit for detailed documentation:
npm install -g yo
sudo npm install -g yo
Once yeoman is installed...
cd ui/
bower install
When bower install is completed, simply type:
grunt serve
and that will start your Angular Application on localhost! More likely you will want to run the backend. To do so, type
MANDRILL_KEY="(put it here)" go run boardinator.go
then visit http://localhost:6060/.