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Mad shouts to Cam Linke and the people at Real Python for this awesome blog post:, and also to the folks over at spotipy for the awesome package.

This app was deployed with Heroku.


  1. Download this repository

  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project

cd songspotting
  1. Create a Virtual Environment and activate it
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
  1. Install the required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Establish Local Settings

To set up our application with environment variables, we’re going to use autoenv. This program executes commands stored in a .env file every time we cd into a directory cotaning that .env file. In order to use it, we will need to install it globally. First, exit out of your virtual environment in the terminal, install autoenv, then and add a .env file:

pip install autoenv
touch .env

Next, in your .env file, add the following (remember to insert the full path to the project folder and remove the square brackets):

source [full-path-to-songspotting-folder]/env/bin/activate
export DEBUG=True
export APP_SECRET_KEY='Insert Flask App Secret Key'
export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID='Insert Spotify Client Id'
export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET='Insert Spotify Client Secret'
export SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI='Insert Spotify Redirect URI'

Now run the following to update then refresh your .bashrc:

echo "source `which`" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Now, if you move up a directory and then cd back into it, the virtual environment will automatically be started and the environment variables are declared. Close the current terminal and start a new one to confirm that it works in a new session.

Please Note: If the above set of instructions doesn't work, you may need to use .bash_profile rather than .bashrc

  1. Setting up the Database

Install Postgres using brew

brew install postgres

Next, start the server and run the command that will restart the server each time you boot into the system

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start && brew services start postgresql

Now create the songspotting database and enter into it.

createdb  songspotting
psql songspotting

If you are able to access the songspotting database, we can now add the DATABASE URL to our environment variables

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost/songspotting”

We are going to use Alembic, which is part of Flask-Migrate, to manage database migrations. Run the following commands to set up your Database with the tables, as defined in the file

python db migrate
python db upgrade

If you check the songspotting database, you should now see it populated with tables.

Running the app

Run the following command to start the app


Things to remember

  1. Every push to master will deploy that version to the Heroku server. Deploys happen automatically: be sure that this branch is always in a deployable state and any tests have passed before you push.

  2. If you need to push Database structure from to your local database, run:

python db migrate
python db upgrade

To push the Databse structure changes to heroku, only run:

heroku run python db upgrade

The migrate command is only necessary locally.

  1. If you install a new library, remember to add it to the requirements file. For example:
pip install gunicorn
pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. To check the recent logs:
heroku logs --tail