All the components which can be written in TypeScript are written in TypeScript!
You can specify colors in colors.scss
and then it will automatically generate color palettes from them for you!
When you specify an accent color, style classes are auto generated for you for the accent color as well as variations like darker, lighter, etc. Learn more
Simply specify a personal access token with repo access in your repository secrets as ACCESS_TOKEN
when you use this template and it should automatically publish to GitHub Pages on each push :)
Just specify your GTAG ID in GitHub secrets under GATRACKINGID
and optionally AWCONVERSIONID
to get started tracking your analytics.
Analytics are tracked only in production builds with the IDs passed by GitHub actions or in .env.production
Note about .env
For local devlopment, you need to use .env files. To do this, yarn add dotenv
Change out sashaphoto-gatsby-template
for the name of your repository, or to be blank if you are using a custom domain.
Go to settings -> secrets in your repository and set: Also set the same values in the .env in the root folder of your project on your local machine.
to an access token with repo accessGATRACKINGID
to the GTAG ID for your Google Analytics tracking
For more analytics tracking, you can also set DCFLOODIGHTID
Support for Contentful
Go to settings -> secrets in your repository and set: Also set the same values in the .env in the root folder of your project on your local machine.
to an access tokenCONTENTFULSPACEID
to the space ID that you wish to use
If you wish to, you could set the CONTENTFULENVIRONMENT
to preview
to use the preview API in your .env (recommended)
Install the Contentful plugin and add the following to your gatsby-config.js plugins array (line 13):
resolve: `gatsby-source-contentful`,
options: {
spaceId: process.env.CONTENTFULSPACEID,
accessToken: process.env.CONTENTFULACCESSTOKEN,
enableTags: true,
Storybook is a tool for visual testing of your components. It's a great way to test out your components before you deploy them to production. Run storybook with yarn run storybook
and open the storybook in your browser.
Browse to the deployed verison of this site to see the template in action and read about how to use it!