An easy and quick way to create an invoice.
- Adjust Logo if available
- Calculate price with quantity
- Apply and calculate tax
Following are quick steps for installing and using this package,
Install nice invoice package by following command.
npm i nice-invoice
Include package main class into your page
const niceInvoice = require("nice-invoice");
Store your invoice details into variable and then generate it.
const invoiceDetail = {
shipping: {
name: "Micheal",
address: "1234 Main Street",
city: "Dubai",
state: "Dubai",
country: "UAE",
postal_code: 94111
items: [
item: "Chair",
description: "Wooden chair",
quantity: 1,
price: 50.00,
tax: "10%"
item: "Watch",
description: "Wall watch for office",
quantity: 2,
price: 30.00,
tax: "10%"
item: "Water Glass Set",
description: "Water glass set for office",
quantity: 1,
price: 35.00,
tax: ""
subtotal: 156,
total: 156,
order_number: 1234222,
company_name: "Nice Invoice",
company_logo: "logo.png",
company_address: "Nice Invoice. 123 William Street 1th Floor New York, NY 123456"
text: "This is footer - you can add any text here"
date: {
billing_date: "08 August 2020",
due_date: "10 September 2020",
niceInvoice(invoiceDetail, 'your-invoice-name.pdf');
Following parameters you can leave it blank
company_logo: company_logo: "",
tax: tax: ""
Contributions and suggestions are very welcome and wanted. I try to respond to pull requests within 24 hours, checkout How to contribute