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Sufia 6.7.0

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@elrayle elrayle released this 22 Sep 01:51
· 14 commits to 6.x-stable since this release

Sufia 6.7.0 adds new collection features to allow users to set visibility of collections and share collections with
other users and groups. This release also includes bug fixes and other enhancements. See full list below.

Upgrade Notes

Update your Gemfile to use version 6.7.0 and run bundle update sufia .

If you have overridden CollectionEditForm in your application make sure to add include HydraEditor::Form::Permissions into your override and :visbility to your terms

class CollectionEditForm < Sufia::Forms::CollectionEditForm
    include HydraEditor::Form
 +  include HydraEditor::Form::Permissions

 -  self.terms = [:title, :description, :creator]
 +  self.model_class = ::Collection
 +  self.terms = [:title, :description, :creator, :visibility]


  • Allow users and groups to share collections [E. Lynette Rayle]
  • Don’t run hound on ruby code [E. Lynette Rayle]
  • Add ability to set visibility for collections [E. Lynette Rayle]
  • Adding executable to run surveyor from the command line. Changing surveyor to not recreate survey items for existing items when you run the executable multiple times. [Carolyn Cole]
  • Adding a surveyor to create survey items for an id list And adding enumerator for migration status [Carolyn Cole]
  • Adding FedoraIdService to create a list of all the ids (of classes we care about) in fedora [Carolyn Cole]
  • Adding ActiveRecord class for Sufia::Migration::Survey::item [Carolyn Cole]
  • Moving bin directory to exe to follow new standards [Carolyn Cole]
  • Adding executable to run export actor from the command line [Carolyn Cole]
  • Export Actor which will export ActiveFedora classes to json files [Carolyn Cole]
  • Exporting a Collection's metadata, permissions, and members [Carolyn Cole]*

See v6.6.1...v6.7.0