Sufia 4.0.1
This release contains bug fixes and css fixes found after the Sufia 4.0 release. Upgrade to Sufia 4.0 first or follow the upgrade notes for 4.0 before upgrading to 4.0.1
Change Log
2014-10-28 : Setting up to release 4.0.1 with bug fixes from ScholarSphere's release [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-24 : Moves featured reseacher above tag cloud, refs #9619 [mtribone]
2014-10-23 : Adds configurable translation to HTML element for error pages, refs #9633 [mtribone]
2014-10-22 : Removing second call to after_ajax [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-21 : Changing the timeout to reference this instead of self as self is undefined and this has the id, and additionally moving the loading to the new div name since it has been re
2014-10-21 : Make sure a few required assets are explicitly listed on the asset pipeline. This removes the runtime error that asks the developer to manually add them when running the app
2014-10-21 : Creates a default reque-pool.yml so that resque can process jobs without any manual configuration [Hector Correa]
2014-10-20 : Fixing batch processing so the clock will go away when batches finish processing [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-20 : Adding the created date as the start date for the google analytics query and adding an earliest cut off for older systems who were not collecting google analytics in the pas
2014-10-17 : Allowing the default activity time to be configurable, and to set the default to 24 hours instead of a few hours like it currently is [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-17 : Refactoring Audit so it uses the file already loaded in memory instead of reloading the file many times to get at the audit log records in active record [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-17 : Adding screen reader tags to allow the screen reader access to delete the messages [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-16 : Switched plain text +/- buttons with glyphicons plus/remove. Removed word 'add' from some of the buttons so that they all look the same [Hector Correa]
2014-10-16 : Changing from file path to label since the the base file name from box is a hash code and the label has the file name [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-15 : Adding I18N for facet labels so we do not get "Filter my Shareds" [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-14 : Moving tag cloud out of sufia.js so it can be more easily overriden [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-14 : Adding i18n translations to the form [Carolyn Cole]
2014-10-10 : Moves layout and styles from ScholarSphere for new user dashboard to Sufia, moves styles into sufia folder, refactors variable names for CSS, refs #9622 [mtribone]
2014-10-07 : Fix test for the ntriples mime-type This was changed in ActiveFedora 7.1.1 samvera/active_fedora@bbcd201 [Jus
2014-09-17 : Allow Actor#update_visibility to be overriden (e.g. for embargo) [Justin Coyne]
2014-09-13 : Correction to README [Adam Wead]
2014-09-13 : Updating README [Adam Wead]
2014-09-09 : Typo in README [Joe Atzberger]
2014-08-29 : Use correct XACML policy file [Adam Wead]
2014-08-29 : Using Solr 4.9 under hydra-jetty 7.1 [Adam Wead]
2014-08-27 : Forces to require v 4.x [Hector Correa]
2014-08-26 : Moving the location of the ZeroClipboard swf load from assets to the asset_path helper so it will work correctly in production [Carolyn Cole]