Upgrade notes
If you are using Sufia::Models::AccessRight, substitute Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight instead
Handle facets with 3 or more words [Jeremy Friesen]
Fixed show links in Users#index [Andrew Curley]
Update to AF 6.7.0 [Justin Coyne]
Adding more verbose logging to specs [Jeremy Friesen]
Update to Blacklight 4.5.0 [Justin Coyne]
Removing migration templates from Sufia (they are in sufia-models) [Justin Coyne]
Removed HTML align property from views [Justin Coyne]
Relax the Resque spec [Justin Coyne]
Pinned to hydra-head ~> 6.4.0 [Justin Coyne]
Moved trophies related methods to Trophies module [Justin Coyne]
Move mime type related methods into MimeTypes module [Justin Coyne]
Extract version methods into its own module [Justin Coyne]
Extract metadata into its own module [Justin Coyne]
AccessRight has moved into HydraHead [Justin Coyne]
Remove Visibility, which was moved into hydra-head [Justin Coyne]
Fix deprecation warnings by switching to Hydra::AccessControls::Permissions [Justin Coyne]
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